We love taking over badly-performing websites and giving the website some of our very special attention, here is a brief chat we had with a client after taking over their badly performing website, we are happy to announce their website is now tuned and bring in lots of visitors and inquiries.
I am happy to report that we are in the process to move forward with the site, with all web site hosting now moved and emails due to be moved shortly.
I’ve done an example homepage change where the slider has now been resized to full screen, the old-fashioned looking container removed and the tick points moved underneath as a result.
The loading of the initial page is actually quite fast, compared with the terrible loading speeds we got before we moved the website to our server and made a few important updates (Please do not compare the speed to the local copy that we are running, its slow as its on a development server). There are some more images that can be compressed to help reduce however all the support files, most images are actually fine as is. However, what has been identified is that the state of the WordPress version and all the plugins used that every plugin being used is adding to the final loading time.
Here are some statistics from when the homepage is requested. The total request size is now reduced to 2.38MB, the biggest offender, is the obscene JavaScript files requested. While 14 JavaScript files are requested for google maps, the other JavaScript files are downloaded, and take 60% of the bandwidth. There are 26 Style sheet files loaded (3 from google for the Font and material icons).
The browser has to download almost 1MB of data for these, which they cater for 33% of the bandwidth. The rest of the content only takes 0.57MB of data (Including text and the images on the site) For example,
There are over 40 individual JavaScript files that get pulled from the web server. With all the plugins used, this will be extremely difficult to optimised. There are 22 Style sheets being requested, which is very excessive. Again, due to all the plugins being used, this will be difficult to reduce.
We wish to reduce the resource footprint significantly, as so, we want to partially rebuild the site. The site will be same function and design, with built-in responsive design and the admin area will be far easier to managed. We will get in contain with you shortly to get this work arranged.
I was just looking for an update from yourself really, as I’ve got lost in all the emails but do you now have all the information you need for hosting etc to make the changes to our sites and manage going forward? Hope everything is now running smoothly.
I’d like to now discuss the timeline of when the following updates will be implemented. Here’s the list of tasks which we discussed from our initial meeting and email follow-ups:
Responsive web design for desktop, tablet and mobile views
Improve site speed by reducing images sizes, removing or compressing code, etc.
Improve the slider on the homepage, making it more attractive with marketing messages
Please let me know when the website updates will begin.

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