Found this old SEO Report that a client paid £1000 to have produced, as you can see its a generic report with no real information and no real helpful information, just generic ‘stuff’. I suggest not wasting your money on SEO reports and getting us to build your website correctly before we start to promote it.


Domain authority
A domain authority is an important SEO factor as it indicates how ‘VIP’ Google and search engines see your website. A DA of 17 is a good, but will need SEO tweaks to better it. Note: the older your domain gets, the more your rank goes up also.

Bounce Rate
Ideally, we would want to be looking at your page’s bounce rate. A bounce rate is out of 100%. The closer to 100%, the worse it is. For example, let’s say your site’s bounce rate is 50%, this means that 50% of all site visitors leave the site without going to another internal page. Being able to see your bounce rate would mean adding Google Analytic tracking code into your website. Good call-to-action can reduce your bounce rate and generate sales.
Examples of good CTAs which will work are a) displaying current promotions clearly on the website, b) clear, visual display with the CTA word (e.g. ‘Buy’, ‘Try’) centre stage, c) running competitions and d) clearer distinction of font size to stand out on the page. For the website, you will want to see evidence of people clicking through to your pricing page as this will be evidence of interest in purchasing a bike.

From a SEO perspective, the more links to your site the better it looks to Google. It sends signals to Google that people appreciate and value your site and therefore can rank you higher in SERPs (search engine results pages). I would like to try to get more links to you who have a better domain authority. One way of doing this is to submit the site to online directories and asking partnered companies to put a link on their websites. Quality content (such as blog entries on the cycling / electrical automotive communities) gets you more links if people find the information you provide useful and shareable.
Your site already has a few links, but this should definitely be a key focus to go forward.


Content Is King
Website content can be more than just text: it’s everything. It can be a video, image, text or gif. The ‘fresher’ (new, updated, original etc) the content is, the more you will rank organically (non-paid) in SERPs. The best way to generate content is to setup a blog which is updated at least once a month and to link the blog back to the site. From a technical

approach, content can be further optimised by selecting certain phrases / words and making them bold / italic, linked to. You should also implement the correct Header tags to let a Google bot read your site clearer.

User Experience
This is usually making changes to the way the site navigates, how useful each page is and the level of interactivity. I would recommend that the navigation is shifted. As mentioned under ‘Bounce Rate’, Call-To-Action is key to turning sales success from the site. The ‘Offers’ tab is unnoticeable amongst the other tabs and should be prioritised.

Schema was created by all the major search engines as a means to make ‘crawling’ a page simpler and quicker. Schema is an advanced SEO practice that, in simple terms, cleans up the HTML of our site. For you, it would be helpful with your reviews and products.

Market research has shown that websites with schema included are clicked on more often in SERPs.

Social Media
People don’t always use Google to find something – they could search for you business on Facebook, Twitter or stumble upon a photo you pinned on Pinterest. Important: Also, setting up an account on Google+ can improve your ‘authorship’ and creating videos on YouTube (the world’s second largest search engine) can also draw in more traffic – under Google’s wing.

Tracking your site mentions / brand mentions in forums or elsewhere can help you to reach out to people – you just have to be careful not to look too ‘spammy’.

It is essential to register the site on Google Places and be seen to actively use it. This taps into the Android community, and other users of Google products, as your site will feature more prominently on SERPs.

Keep On Track
Signing up to analytics sites, such as Moz, Alexa and, most importantly, Google Analytics, can give you a broader knowledge and deeper understanding on your site’s metrics. Google Webmasters is also useful to keep track on how your site is being indexed and if there are any crawl errors. You should also sign up to Bitly – a way to track how many clicks your website links get.

This website has a fantastic basis for website success. It needs to stand out from other sites and implementing the suggestions will do just so. A strong focus needs to
be made on target key words and phrases – whether the target user is national or local based. SEO on the site will improve its accessibility

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