Here is our standard Project Procedure Notification given to clients when we recieve confirmation that they want Delicious Webdesign to build them a website.
Thank you for meeting with us and confirming your website design / SEO order with us at Delicious Webdesign. We are committed to providing the best possible service to you at all times. Please find below our project procedure and commitment to you and your company. Please ensure you digest the information below and inform us if you have any questions. This will ensure a smooth project journey and ensure your project is completed within our committed time scales.
1. You place an order with Delicious Webdesign. Our services are made fully available to you and your project is initiated in development.
2. A member of the Delicious Webdesign Development team will contact you to introduce themselves and run through the entire build and project process post placed order.
3. The Delicious Webdesign Development team will build a bespoke website platform or amend your original website as per the order.
4. The Delicious Webdesign Development team will issue you with a bespoke website platform.
The website, at this stage, will contain ‘Dummy’ content to allow for you to see the bespoke build format and layout.
5. The Delicious Webdesign Development team will contact you to discuss the website at this stage.
6. A cloud based area is set up by Delicious Webdesign for use by you and the Delicious Webdesign Development team within one week of the placed order.
7. You will receive an email when the cloud based file area is set up.
The ‘cloud based file area’ (normally Dropbox) is pre loaded with folders relevant to the project. IE if you have commissioned Delicious Webdesign to build a new website, the ‘Safeupload’ will contain folders relevant to each page of the proposed website, Home page, About us page, Services / Products page etc. You are required to place, in the ‘upload area’, all images and text you require to be added to your website.
This process ensures that the completed website is fully bespoke and reflects your company in a true and authentic manner and is seen as a credible company.
Once the ‘upload area’ contains your input, you are required to contact the Delicious Webdesign Development team ASAP.
It is expected that the ‘upload area’ will contain your input within 4 weeks of the order.
You will receive a ‘Content’ reminder email at weekly intervals until content is received by us.
After one month the materials in the ‘upload area’ will be used by the development team to complete the project. In the event that the ‘Safeupload’ contains little or no content on the 28th day post order, the Delicious Webdesign Development team will build an industry standard website in order to fulfil Delicious Webdesigns’ obligations.
8. The website will be completed within 6 weeks of the order being placed.
9. On completion of the project, you will be contacted by the Delicious Webdesign Development team to inform you that your website is complete and now ‘live’.
At this stage you will be asked if you desire the Development team to make any changes to your website.
Further to this correspondence, you are required to inform the Delicious Webdesign Development team of any changes you require to the website.
In the event that no ‘Website Amendment’ notification is received from you within 4 days, the project will be deemed as ‘Signed off’.
The team at Delicious Webdesign are available Monday to Saturday between the hours of 09:00 and 18:00
We are here to help and happy to work closely with you as our client to ensure your companies’ web presence reflects your company as required.
Please inform us ASAP if you envisage being unavailable for a period longer than 2 days during the build of your project. This will ensure our Development team are able to contact you as required to ensure your project is complete within the committed timescales.
Please feel free to contact us at any time for help / advice / support.

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