Great recent / quick result from simply starting a website redesign / website promotion project, the instant impact could be due to the website being moved to a much faster more reliable server that is based in the UK.
[Website Owner] Was great talking through my website and its promotion with you earlier, really am reassured that you seem to know what you are speaking about and you spent a lot of time looking at my website and explaining to me what needs to happen to make it work better for me.
[Webmaster] Yes am in the process of sending you a full proposal of what we recommend but initially I am surprised you dont get more work from your existing website, here are a few things you can do to help:
Redesign your website so its mobile and touch friendly (Responsive Web Design)
Add an SSL certificate to your website (so its https instead of http)
Add more content to the website
Check your existing Content to make sure its not copied or duplicated
Add more photos to your Galleries
Change your main location from Essex to the city or town you operate from.
Add more location pages
Add more pics in the public gallery
In Business Diretories you can also pay to upgrade to a Premier Profile for listings that appear near the top of the galleries
[Website Owner] Thank you so much in telling what I can do to improve me being seen I took your advice and took a prime profile and added more locations. I forgot to link it to my website so I will do that next time. It does say invalid website URL don’t no what that means. Could you tell me please. I let the website design guy add me to websites but my worked has dropped to nothing on all my websites. It has also created loads off spam to my email account, he has my codes and when re designed the website and did not give me the login to each website, I have found the ones I had are all wrong codes or don’t work. One was your website. Now I’ve managed to change it. But he can read all my email he knew I changed the password, I did not know how this was done. He states that if we don’t work for a while he can just press a button. Don’t like Someone having all that control over my website. My website previously worked grea, think he’s compromising my sights. But Many thanks for your advice so far, hope I get some work. I will await your proposal and come visit you to agree the website design and promotion project and pay a deposit this week.
[four weeks later] [Website Owner] Know the website redesign and website promotion haven’t been fully completed, but have instantly seen an upturn in work since we transferred the domain / website to yourselves, looking forward to seeing more and more increases in business.

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