This gives you an idea of the level of detail, planning we do before we start building your Adult Website, get in touch if you want an Escort / Massage / Membership for Content Adult website.
[Adult Website Owners] Hi, We have been looking at lots of different website design companies and really like the following things your company offers:
1 Meeting to discuss requirements
2 Ongoing support
3 Seo support
4 Marketing
5 All the different things you can build in your websites like (ecommerce, blog, members area, video streaming & downloading, etc)
6 Tuition / training

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[Essex Adult Website Designers] Think what we want is a custom build. The site I am after is an adult website and looking for a go live date before the end of the year if possible but can be flexible for the site I am after. I would like the site to have a members area, preview galleries, video down load/streaming, links page, direct link to my adultwork accounts, twitter account, tumblr account. Obviously this will be a pay site but looking to be able to interact with members so something a member can use to book a skype session with me. I have various ideas on how it should look but guess this can be discussed when we meet? In the meantime have you any examples of adult sites that you have built so i can have a look at please?
Sure we can help, where are you and what is your budget? Forgive the initial blunt questions but need to know this first. Where are you and can you supply a more detailed requirement list to us and / or can you come for a chat about your requirements?
[Adult Website Owners] Hi and thats ok. Its pretty flexible and note you have an option package so guess it will be around £4000 but as long as i get what i need then can spend more (or less). Obviously the training and extra support cost more but it is no issue. In short i am not after a cheap / poor website.
A chat would be the best option for us as its one of the reasons we chose yourselves. We live near you in Essex so its only an 20 minutes or so from you so happy to arrange coming in to see you. A look at some adult sites already built by you would help so have you any that we can have a look at please?
[Essex Adult Website Designers] Great, please be assured that as one of the highest ranked adult website designers in the UK (you probably found us on Google when looking for adult web design companies) we can handle any of your demands / requirements to get you the website you want and can give you some examples of clients that don’t mind us showing their websites.
But firstly you need to give us an exact description of what you want / need. You have mentioned video streaming / downloads so we need to know exactly what you want / need and ideally give us some examples of sites you want to emulate. The figure you quoted on our site was the business brochure sites and they are not suitable for what you want to achieve.
[Adult Website Owners] Not sure why you don’t tell me a site you have built as its simply for us to look at the quality of how it looks. As its on the internet I would assume the owners would not mind the traffic.
We would like to arrange to come and see you and some idea now of the cost we may face would really help as you mentioned the price I quoted from your site is not suitable?
[Essex Adult Website Designers] Hi We can give you all our adult websites we have built and promoted, we normally require a your list of requirements / requests / specifics when researching a project but your email have given us a good idea of what you need.
Looking at the guide site it seems they are just offering photos and video from the website for a membership / subscription. They are using ccbill as a payment provider and assume you will want to do that also and you will want the website integrated into this payment provider.
Can I assume that the webcam / video streaming reference will be done similar to the guide site (offering a link to adultwork and giving an email address where you can privately arrange a webcam viewing)?
Additionally if you require online video / photo view / download facilities have you considered the amount of members / bandwidth you will need?
[Adult Website Owners] I appreciate the detail and its a good starting point for our own thought but we would really like to move on the project so would ask if we can arrange to come in and see you. We can then discuss and listen to your thoughts and ideas and work them with ours to get a great site.
Not sure ccbill is the best option and will look at other payment providers also. With regards to webcam something either linking to adultwork but also skype as extra benefit to people who join. Let us know the best way to arrange a meeting.
[Essex Adult Website Designers] I am pretty sure that we won’t have any problems here. Of course, we need some more accurate information to provide you with final estimation and would prefer to do that before we meet as we have some preparation work to do once we know exactly what you want and its much easier to find out exactly what you want before we meet / start to give us a good starting position.
Am free to meet next week on Thursday afternoon (anytime would be fine at the moment) suggest we spend at least 2 hours talking about the website project.
Some further questions
1. Do you want the paying client to be able to download a video on to his / her computer or it’s rather about video streaming without a possibility to download the video and save it on the computer?
2. Will we be provided with graphics here or do you want us to create all the design / logos etc
3. Do you have any idea how the movie / photo management and the user management should look like?
Unfortunately, the provided website does not show if there is a possibility to browse a video (you need to be a member before having access to video), if there are any categories, tags and other stuff. I t would be nice if you could describe the functions that you requires with more details. Moreover, it would be also nice if we could have access to a ‘members’ section with admin access to a website you want to emulate so we can have a look at the function although screen shots from other websites would be fine also.
What I am trying to get at is to get as much exact requirements as possible as its easy to start a website but if we instantly then need to come back to you to ask more questions it will not be a smooth project.
Fyi here are the adult websites in the same adult sector that you are requesting that have been build / promoted by us, some of them are being worked on at the moment so may change.
[Adult Website Owners] First of all sorry about the delay in answering but we have been travelling / making videos / meetng clients over the last few days and have finally got home this evening.
I will try and give some detail on the site and what we are looking for you to build and support.
In the first instance sort out the domain for the site. It helps that we know the name of the site as its her working name [name supplied]. We have checked and are certain that no other site of this name exists.
Our thought process is to build a site that can be accessed via her adultwork profile, onlyfans, twitter account and tumblr so would have this link on the front page.
The first page would be a welcome page with Topic access to open to areas of the site across the top…..
1 Escort; 2 preview gallery; 3 preview video; 4 members area; 5 join me; 6 contact me; 7 news
The welcome page would need you to design the logos and would have a brief description of the site with a couple of photos of her. We would also like to have her Twitter account feed to this welcome page so it updates automatically if this is possible? We are not stuck on how this page looks and happy to work with you.
She is a very successful escort already (and part of the reason we are creating the site) so a click to a page detailing how to contact her and other information that would be needed.
Preview gallery would be basically that. An area that has a few pics of latest update gallery with space for a brief description. Preview video would have the same but a still from the video again with a brief description.
We would like the site to take you straight to the joining page if either is clicked on. We also thought it may be a good idea that you could buy an individual video or photo set for a reduced cost but not sure if this is possible or indeed worth the trouble?
What is obviously important about this area as with the members area is that i can easily add/remove content every few days/each week. The videos themselves would be in streaming format as say for example other adult site videos. (Is this ok?)
What we would also love is a search option that would look for tags i add to videos and photo sets so a member can search for something more specific to their specific kink / taste.
The members area is obvious with a prompt to log in then have free access to browse all site content.
Contact me is standard so we can receive/reply to emails
News, not sure on this yet as will add twitter if possible but we really like the idea of this.
As for site account do you recommend ccbill?
Next Thursday is fine by the way. If this is not enough detail for you to start to formulate some ideas then please let me know.
Regarding, how many members? I suppose how long is a piece of string but hope for a lot! Let me know the best time and location with a number and i will call if i am delayed on the road. I will leave plenty of time so should not be an issue.
[Essex Adult Website Designers] The domain names are available and easily registered for you (we also by default put up a holding page / contact form and setup your email address when we do this)
The rest of your description is starting to sound more like something we can understand and produce for you, but you need to know your requirements are for a website that is technically complex and as such will involve a lot of time / effort to do it correctly.
The Blog (news section) is a great idea and we always recommend this to give you the best chance to gain traffic from the search engines)
Will give your notes to my team and come back to you shortly if we have further questions.
Ccbill is the preferred payment method for ‘adult’ websites.
We can secure your website the same day the deposit is received and if you want to send some content (photos / video) prior to our meeting you can send via dropbox*
*Dropbox – photo sharing / sending. This website allows you to upload files and invite me to share them its pretty good and been using it with other clients for a while now, it actually creates a folder on your PC that you can use to share files with me. you can invite me to share your files by inviting me.
We are still ok for Thursday and sorry for late replies as we are mad busy here (as always) currently have 12 projects ongoing so its been lots of late nights.
One aspect that we need to talk about is bandwidth for the streaming videos and will need to know if you have any membership / visitor number projections to give us an idea of how to best cater for this.
The membership / videos / video views have a bearning on the ‘bandwidth’
your site will need but can talk about that on Thursday
We have a shop in SLH but much better to meet at my home office (just around corner from shop) and we can spend 1-2 hours planning the site. Address is Delicious Webdesign, 52 Scratton Road, Stanford-Le-Hope, Essex. SS17 0PA
If you can bring the website content that you have so far or sent if via dropbox / email before the meeting that would be one less thing to worry about – also look at other websites you like to give us an idea of what you like and don’t like.
[Essex Adult Website Designers] Here is the notes / lists of things to do / prices / timeframes from our meeting today:
Development / Design / setup / initial configuration of adult photo / video streaming ecommerce system / integration with ccbill / seo / blog (news section) / mobile version of website
Total cost £xxxx (50% deposit required)*
£x per month ongoing fee (full support, ideally paying 6 months in advance every 6 months)
* Cost includes the transfer and hosting of the site you have now.
Unlimited photo sets / video sets / email accounts
Bandwidth 100GB per month
Diskspace 50GB
*After 3-6 months we are re-review the server requirements and upgrade server / bandwidth / diskspace limitations if required.
Its also important to know that if bandwidth / diskspaces limitations are breached the website will continue to operate normally.
Timescales: 2 months for completion (within 1st day we will secure the website and give you email access, within 2 weeks we will give you ‘backend’ access so you can learn the website system / news section (start adding content / news posts). Within 5 weeks we will give you a draft of the website to review and comment on.
Things to do
1, confirm these links
a) adult work page
b) twitter / onlyfans pages
2, Confirm you have a ccbill account and give access or give details to enable us to link it to the new site
3, confirm you want this website / domain name [name removed]
4, confirm this is your old site
Please give full Admin access to enable transfer (all passwords for site and hosting / registration). We will transfer and host this for you to ‘boost’ / promote the other site. Will also fix the links to adultwork etc. to make
6 setup Amazon wish list and give us the link for ‘treat me’ page
7 need a Webcam link to adult work
6 confirm tumblr account
7 confirm this is the website we can use as a ‘guide’
Confirm that this site is also broadly in line with your expectations
8 Send a video and photo set to us via dropbox using account
9 Will include 2 hours graphic design work that may be required to ‘cut’ images of Timea from photos for the website front page.
10 Includes customised news section (blog)
Highlights of the website system:
Full functional Admin Backend
Automates common tasks
Batch process content in bulk
Convert video formats
Monthly subscriptions for members
Mobile Version of the site
Free Support
Maximize Conversions
Episode style tours
Conversion optimsation
Free & limited trials
Banner management
Some Interactive Features (SEO enhancing)
Search, keyword tagging, favorites
Voting, polls, commenting
User forms & private messaging
Whats included
Total cost includes a years hosting (both sites) / transfer of 1 website / email setup / design-devlopment-configuration / optimising the site for the search engines / review of all the existing webcopy on the site (and adding more where appropriate) / Google Analytics setup (monthly reports)/ Google Local setup / Google webmaster tools setup. In short there is nothing missed or nothing that will be charged for as ‘extra’.
Whats not included
Adding content / Descriptions
Adding News posts
These can be additional extras if required now or in the future.
Hope this is everything covered and look forward to starting this project for you
[Adult Website Owners]
Fantastic, we agree to everything you have mentioned and cant wait to start. please send us the deposit invoice and we will be happy to proceed

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