It seems there is a complete group of companies that simply try to frighten website owners by incorrect, confusing and  misleading information that they send via email and simply wait for the distressed website owner to respond where they ‘offer’ to sort the ‘non-existant problem’ out for them, in the following example an advertising company tries to worry a website owner by saying that they had ‘dropped keywords’.
[Arty Advertising Company] Just thought I would drop you an email to see how things are going how are the new company doing well? I have noticed you’ve dropped a hell of a lot your main keywords? although you may have started a new website and that’s the plan? but just though i would drop you an email as I am doing a little work on another website and noticed you are not listed as one of the big players there anymore, only google advertising which must be very costly for you.
[Worried Website Owner] Help, is someting wrong with my website?
[Website Designers] Think he is playing with you, your website is better / bigger and stronger than ever before, visitor number are broadly in line with what I expect for you.  Makes me pretty mad these ‘scaremongering’ type emails
They said ‘I have noticed you’ve dropped a hell of a lot your main keywords’ Even the sentence doesn’t make sense, was very tempted to ring him and ask what he is trying to say. Your website has a huge amount of new optimised content including all your main search terms and now the main job is to create links to your site from other sites.  As I took 30 minutes to ensure your site was doing well I have brought forward this list of things for you to do:
Here are some things you need to do to improve your ‘big picture’ SEO
1, add your website and your full contact details to your facebook page
2, add posts / photos to  your facebook page
3, get as many people (past clients / customers) as possible to ‘like’ your page
4, add a twitter account (dont forget to add your website)
5, post on the twitter account
6, if you are a member of any online forum then ensure your website is part of your profile / signature
7, the idea is to get your website link on as many ‘relevant’ / related websites as possible, do you have a ‘friendly’ similar company that could swap links with you?
8, add regular posts to your blog – to get there go to your admin panel then select posts then click new entry
[Reassured Website Owner] I thought as much but he sent this letter to the MD, I was checking his e-mails while he is on holiday  and in his absence I thought I would get a response.  One of the reasons we didn’t use him anymore is that we could never really understand what he was trying to say and it was a case of baffling us with rubbish most of the time.    What would you quote  to get the necessary things done as listed below?  I could write the blogs but not sure about the rest.

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