If you want to copy our website design / text then be aware that once you upload your website we can easily find your website and will take action to ensure our hard work is not simply copied and creditted to yourself, the following sample exchange demonstrates what could happen when we find out you have copied our text and design:
[Website Designers] Am not sure if you are aware but it has come to our attention that your site seems to have copied some ‘exact elements’ from our website… In both design elements and text content. We would therefore like to remind you that we are members of  a plagiarism monitoring service and are protected under there ‘Premium Service’ so your copied elements have been recorded and unless action is taken we will be involving our legal representative.
We are NOT saying you are aware that you have copied our site, since we know sometimes web designers will use other sites that look good for ideas etc. But we would politely ask you please edit your text etc. to make it not look like a copy of our site. Please do not take this the wrong way but we have spent a lot of money having this site made in order to have a unique looking website, and not look like the run of the mill. In addition to all text being written by a professional proof-reader, in order to give it that added touch of class. If you wish to discuss this at all please do not hesitate to give us a call… otherwise I would like to thank you in advance for your help in this matter. So to summarise your website which has a link at the bottom to your website designer looks like it has copied graphics from our customers website and has been used on the website you have been using that was created by your web guys. I’m assuming they won’t respond to my email as is the case with people who normally plagiarise… Will you be asking them to remove the graphics if you are still with the same web designer?
[Website Owners] We think the website designer copied some elements and left your  ‘about’ text as we was expecting them to put some about text in its place as we agreed that at the start of the website design project  but it never came and your text just stayed there – will get the designers to remedy this now and fix the copied elements – We will supply our own ‘about text’ as currently we only have yours on the site and we apologise for that.
[Web Designers of copied website] Hi I have been made aware of this and obviously shocked to see the similarities and will ensure all text / graphics that are causing concern will be removed thanks for telling me about this and can assure you this is the first time we realised the site was not 100% unique and will be removing the website designer from any future work

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