We always have a chuckle when a worried website owner comes to us with concerns raised by someone they know or that contacted them via email (spamming) or phone (telesales marketing) or mail (junk mail), we have been building and promoting longer than some of these ‘experts’ have been alive and constantly have to reassure website owners their websites aren’t in danger of ‘being blacklisted’ or ‘being removed by Google’ or ‘Falling out of favour with the Search engines’, good quality websites / content / SEO and marketing will never go out of fashion so in general if you get a ‘review’ like the one below, that contains a variety of lies / half-truths and SEO myths, feel free to forward it to us but be assured, trying to ‘frighten’ website owners into parting with money is their real motivation.
As discussed I have taken a look at the site and noted the following points:
Site Speed – this has improved since I last looked, but still some room for improvement.
Back links – there doesn’t appear to be any backlinks that have been built or directories. This is really going to help you get better rankings.
Website Content / Keyword Mapping – this is one of the main points that is holding your website back at the moment. So much potential to get your website ranking for all your services and locations.
But it hasn’t been mapped properly or have enough content to help to rank for your services in your local area.
Meta Description – there is only one meta description written for the whole site. So this is going to come up as a red flag in Google’s eyes.
H1 Tags – these are still not optimised properly.
There are more bits as well but on the face off it these are the main points that need improving and where you will see the most amount of movement and traction

Google Rating
Based on 82 reviews