Ourselves and quite a number of our clients have recently been offered lots of adult domain websites, the offer was to build a site on them while they are still owned by the company offering them! This sounds very dodgy and will probably end up in some extortionate fees if the website becomes popular. The websites are registered in Panama and South Africa. In general you should ignore all spam emails as they invariably are going to be scams or overpriced rubbish. The message below gives you an idea of what we are getting offered.
I thought I’d quickly reach out to you and find out if you’d like to do a hybrid partnership on some domain names. We recently picked them up as domains which have a long history and are very catchy. Unfortunately adult domains isn’t our traditional expertise and we are not looking to hold them in the hope that we’ll develop these expertise.
As a respected development firm you no doubt have clients who may have a great concept and budget for an adult site but not the most ideal domain for it. What I was thinking was that you could “white label” these two domains as your own when an ideal client comes along who is interested in developing on them. You make the upside of your development as well as a share of the domain sale amount – thus you have no downside as you’ll only ever trade the domains to a willing buyer without needing to own them yourselves. Please let me know if this is something you’d be open to exploring.  

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