We very commonly have website owners come to us telling us horror stories about how their previous website designer has overcharged or not delivered what was expected, this is why a clear agreement drawn out between both parties is essential, here is an example ‘nightmare’ situations where a website owner feels she is being charged too much, who is in the wrong, you decide:
[Website Owner] My website design company is ripping me off and charging me for money for a website that cost £1500 at most. I paid him £1000 up front and now he wants another £1000. He sent me a invoice online. And threatening me with debt collectors and adding cost.
[Website Designers] For now please let me know if you signed a contract or if this was a fixed feel, Have you paid anything? Ok. Do you want a refund of the deposit? Why do you think you are being ripped off, are they charging more than agreed?
[Website Owner] It was a on line invoice that’s all he sent me. He sent me an invoice that’s all. It was a fixed price. Yes 1000 and he wants 1000 0n top. Had it checked by another web designer value of work he’s done 500. He’s threatening to send debt collectors. They did say it would be 2000 but we dont think its worth that now.
[Website Designers] Ok, they can’t do a thing. They are not bailiffs. He can’t even instruct bailiffs unless he gets a County Court Judgment which you could defend. So I really dont think you ned to worry
[Website Owner] He’s getting an injunction now. So can you recommend a good solicetors in my area. As my friends solicetor buts away. I don’t want this against my name. For the website he’s doen does not work I had no work for 7 weeks now.
[Website Designers] He can’t get an injunction, it’s a civil debt. He is all hot air. He can not get an injunction. Does that clairfy?
[Website Owner] Yes but he’s harassing me, I have cancer and just lost my mother and loss of earnings since he touched my website. He says he has legal people in his firm. He can read all my emails for he has my email password. And I can’t change it. He’s taking down my website if I don’t give him the money that he thinks I owe. It doesn’t work any way never had email off it or phone calls not even time wasters.
[Website Designers] Then you need to report it to the Police. If he is pursuing a course of conduct which is harassing report it to the Police. Or you can seek an injunction against him for harrasment through the civil Courts, but if fought the legal fees will be circa £7000- £10,000. So try the Police first. Does that help?

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