All website owners want more enquiries and more work, you never see someone complain they have too many enquiries, here is one that claims the previous website designer didnt make the website search engine friendly and blames him for loss of work:
[Webmaster] I am surprised you dont get work..  here are a few things you can do to
– Change your main location from London to the city or town you operate from..
– Add more location pages
– Add more pics in the public gallery
– Add the Your Profile to your website if you have one
– You can also pay to upgrade to a Premier Profile for listings that appear
near the top of the galleries
[Website Owner] Thank you so much in telling what I can do to improve me being seen I took your advice and updated my profile and added more locations. I forgott to link it to my website we will do that next time. It does say invalid website URL don’t no what that meens. Could you tell me please. I let the web guy add me to websites my worked has dropped to nothing on all my sites. And loads off spam to my email account. The website designer has my passwords and when re-designed the website, he did not give me the login. To each website. I now have the wrong codes or don’t work. One was your website. Now I’ve managed to change it. But he can read all my emails he new I changed the password. He states that if we don’t work for a while he can just press a button. Don’t like Someone having all that control over my websites I think he is compromising my sites. But thanks hope I get some work.

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