Here is an example conversation with a website owner and another website designer showing that its important to listen to what is required and to create what is required on time:
[Website Owner] Here are some more points, I am really disapointed to keep seeing so many problems with the site, really starting to regret this redesign with yourselves now, please work hard on our website to ensure we can trust you again. Here are my problems so far:
1 I have noticed the phone button overlaps on a phone device. This seems a bit odd doesnt it? Please have a look
2 When you click on images (not the homepage), it links to the image on another page?
3 Services tab needed – but have the different services on different pages via a drop down.
4 Need the news section, I have told you this about 3 times.
5 Contact page has a huge blank space showing and the form doesnt work. Is something going in the gap?
5 With the last contact page it had a drop down menu selecting what service your was enquiring about and it was mainly always
Time has now past since I wrote the above and now I can see you have done some work on the home page. I like the new image slider. Nice work (even if it has taken ages) My feedback now:
1. Gallery still needs more images added. Not many photos currently
2. Home slides need looking at. The colour overlay doesn’t work for me (maybe light grey??) . I like the square effect you have over laid. It’s not on all images though. Please add descriptions on the slides as well. Please use another image that looks less colourful.
3. We have 2 addresses / Offices. Please add in the other one. It was on our site like that too
4. Please add Facebook logo / link
5. The symbols for ‘our services’ aren’t really relevant for the service it’s next to. Please change all the ones you have.
6. In the testimonials running along the bottom. In the circle can you add a sillhouete face of a man or a woman.
7. Wheres the news / blog section? Getting fed up about asking for this.
8. Service pages missing.
9. The Google map doesnt show our business or correct address.
I am loving the new framework though. I think its a massive improvement on the last website. but it has taken months and there are so many problems noticed already. Very concerned that we haven’t had any enquiries though yet since it got uploaded?
[Website Designer] Can you give me some of your main keywords so I can check the rankings? I’m not sure why you haven’t had any enquiries. I’d need to check out the traffic stats. Send over a keyword that you ranked well for so I can quickly check
I’ve just checked and you are still at the top for your main search phrases, so there’s no problem with the SEO on the site. I have changed the email address on the contact form and am going to monitor it for a week, if anything comes through I will forward to you! I am also designing a new form for you today.
I am going to try and get the site finished tonight!
[Website Owner] Just do we are clear. Here is a list of problems that we noticed on your redesigned website that need to be done pre-launch please.
1 The Responsive view on a phone device and a tablet looks corrupted
2 When you click on images it links to the image on another page, surely it should open the image on the page.
3 Services tab but have the different services on different pages via a drop down
4 Need a news / blog section
5 Contact page has a huge gap?? was you putting something there?
6 Gallery needs more images (see Facebook and my emails)
7 Home page needs the new content / photos
8 I am still not loving the image used on the home slides
9 I have attached a PDF that i feel maybe one of those shots would work better and just use the image you have now in the gallery.
10 Symbols updated are currently not relevant
11 Need the workshop address added in, currently only the office showing but the map is pointing to the workshop!
12 Some of our works – can the images go in popularity ?
13 When you click on page 2 of the gallery it shows a 404 page not found
Sorry if it seems a lot! I really do just want this wrapped up now as this is causing me to worry so much I havent been able to concentrate on my job. It been going on from 4 months ago and you did say it would take weeks. I feel have been patient but i am getting nagged and moaned at all round so please please can we get get it finished this week? Let me know you have got this and all clear.

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