Here is a new type of ‘scare’ tactic email that tells you that as a website owner your competitors are trying to spoil your search engines rankings, our advice is to ignore this type of email as its simply praying on your insecurities, ironically the company sending this out have been around for a few years (at least the domain has been registered for a few years) but they only have a landing page and no information on their site at all!
[Email to Website owner] Hi [website owner] I work for an online security management company called [company removed] During one of our routine checks for a client your website [website name removed] showed as an alert.
Since you aren’t a [company name] customer this was a little unusual so I took a few moments to see why you came to be in our system.
It turns out that a competitor of yours has taken up the services of a known  company that we constantly monitor and it seems they have initiated a campaign against your search engine rankings.
This company specialise in using dirty tricks and unethical tactics to destabilise rankings in search engines. In a short period of time this will see your website penalised by both Google and Yahoo.
Right now we are successfully protecting several corporate clients against this company and if you were interested we would be able to help you maintain your good standing with Google, preventing any impact on your business.
Our Operations Manager suggested I get in touch to offer you the opportunity to use our services at a reduced cost with a one off fee of £399, as the workload to us would be minimal.
Please feel free to get in touch with me with any questions you have regarding this worrying issue.
[Delicious Webdesign] Our advice is generally that there is nothing to worry about, but it seems more ‘believable’ than most scam emails – it may be worth keeping an eye  on your website rankings and stats but we are 99.5% sure this is simply a scam that you should not reply to.

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