We Recently got asked:
I just want to know a quick thing. Should we be looking to raise our profile on bing.com, yahoo.co.uk and ask jeeves? as well as Google? I want to make sure we are covering all search engines
Our reply:
They are other search engines and by default they will be indexing and updating your website as it changes
As a website owner here are some ideas about what you should be doing now your website has been build and added to the search engines.
1 The Best thing you can do at the moment is increase your content of your site by adding unique, relevant articles to your blog, once you have some content on there I will add the blog to your main site navigation.
We have other clients doing this and it makes a big difference to their search rankings, one of my clients has gone from number 57 to number 1 for the term [ competitive term ] in Google as we have done a SEO project onΒ  his site and he has posted loads on his blog over the last year.
2 The next best thing you can do is get links to your site via forums / other blogs / other websites
Become a regular and useful member of a forum that is related to your business area, join and add your website to your profile and post something regularly.

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