Google currently sending this out to website owners that dont have an Analytics account associated with their site, interestingly we received one from a site that is not listed in webmaster tools, so does that mean Google is scraping email addresses from sites and cross referencing them against their Google Analytics account database?
We’ve noticed that you do not currently have a Google Analytics account linked to your AdWords account. Using Google Analytics gives you more visibility into your AdWords return on investment, as well as providing in-depth insights into how users interact with your website. Google Analytics is also completely free and can be accessed directly from your AdWords account.
When you use Google Analytics with AdWords, you are able to track the behaviour of visitors coming to your site from your advertising. This allows you to gauge the return on investment of your AdWords budget and optimise based on which campaigns are bringing in the most sales and leads on your website.
In addition to tracking your AdWords campaigns, Google Analytics can help you grow your business by identifying which geographical areas drive the best results for your business. You can then allocate your marketing budget and set your campaign location targeting accordingly.
Google Analytics can also help you to focus on areas of your site that could be improved to increase sales and leads. It shows you the pages on your site that have high exit rates which may indicate visitors are not finding what they want on the page, giving you the opportunity for improvement. In total there are over 80 reports within Google Analytics that can help you to track your return on investment and user interaction with your site.
If you already have a Google Analytics account, but have not yet linked it to an AdWords account, please follow our simple Help Centre instructions. To activate a new Google Analytics account today please click the link below where you can log into AdWords and select the ‘Reporting’ tab, followed by ‘Google Analytics’.

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