Website for sale
If you are interested in purchasing this domain there are some things you need to do:
1, Review full site and give list of requested text changes (in a clear / easy to follow numbered format)
2, Give any new ‘categories’ and text related to that category
3, Decide if you want to keep the logo or to send us a new one (recommend keeping existing one)
4, If you want new photos / changes to Photos then look at the stock photos, you look through stock photo agencies and give us the photo references of the photos you want for your site.
5 Supply any new testimonials you want to give us
6 Give address / phone number for contact page (legally required)
7 Decide if you want to have a facebook page / twitter account and give us the links if you want it on your website.
Website Rental / Purchase Agreement
2 months free rental of the website
Followed by
10 rental payments of £100 per month then a final payment of £1000, on receipt of the final £1000 then that will initiate the change of ownership to yourself.
All current pages / blog posts and links remain in place on the website.
You will be invoiced for all new photos requested and the work involved in putting them on the site (£30 per hour website maintenance payment)
Once the website is owned by yourself you will be liable for the standard hosting fee on a yearly basis (currently £55 per year)
Once the Agreement is agreed, Delicious Webdesign will:
1 Provide email access details
2 Provide News pages (Blog) access details
3 Make changes to the website
4 We can give you immediate access to the emails received from the website contact form (two were received in January and could possibly still need someone) There are 34 contact form / website enquries since May 2012
Once the full £2000 is received after the first year (10 * £100 monthly payments and £1000 final payment the website ownership will be transferred to yourself

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Based on 82 reviews