Sometimes even thought the client is 100% positive they want to proceed with a new website their self-doubt creeps in and they think they are not good enough to work for themselves, here are some conversations that I took part in that demonstrate how a client can go from keen to doubtful about their own abilities to run their own business.
1  Keen I would like to thank you for your time on Tuesday, in which you explained how your company works, along with how you would design my website and thanks for your email, in which you answered my concerns regarding a website. I would like to work with you, as you know what it is I want and need from a website. I do have a slight concern about about the cost, so was therefore wondering about taking out the lower priced package. I realise the blog and a couple of thongs will have to go including the blog, but I feel if at all possible they can be added at a later date if the site is successful.
2 Doubtful Sorry for the delay in replying after working out my finances – as a workshop is costing a lot more than I anticipated – I am going to have to reduce my budget to be spent on a  website.
I hope you don’t feel I am messing you around, but I would really like to work with you if you are able to do anything within my price range. I liked your enthusiasm, and the fact you sat with me for a long time finding out about me and what I like. If you feel you are able to help me on a more limited budget I would be delighted to hear from you.
3  Happy to work for someone elseI am sorry to say, after all the mucking around I will no longer be using your services to set up a web page / website.  I am being delusional by thinking my work is good enough that people would want my services, coupled with a lack of support from nearest and dearest, makes me think I am wasting my time.  I would really like to thank you for your patience and time, while I have been so undecided. I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone.  I am sorry to say, i will not be using Delicious Webdesign. I liked your ideas for my site, but just feel, at this moment in time it was too big for what I want. I am not happy with the idea of buying images to showcase my site, as I feel it is not a proper representation of my work. If in the future, i feel I would like something bigger and better, I would not hesitate to contact you as your company and your presentation were great. Once again thanks.
Reading the above its hard to believe the same person made all three statements, it goes to show that it is ‘hard’ to step out on your own and start your own business but like a lot of things the first step is the hardest. Human Nature makes it hard for us to ‘take a risk’ but sometimes you just need to step into the unknown and trust professionals that have good experience with new businesses like website design companies, and accountants.

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