There are many reasons to choose us over the competition, here are a few more:
1. Our company understands how our business can contribute to the creation of customer value.
2. We regularly collect information about our competitors and respond rapidly to their actions.
3. We regularly collect information from our customers and use it to improve our products.
4. All our business functions are integrated in order to serve the needs of our customers.
5. We favour a strong emphasis on R&D, technological leadership, and innovation.
6. When facing uncertainty, we adopt a proactive position to exploit potential opportunities.
7. We are always the first in our sector to introduce new products, services or technologies.
8. When dealing with competitors, we typically aim to gain an advantage over them.
9. We use sophisticated technologies in our new product development process.
10. Our new products are always state of the art in terms of the technology used.
11. We rapidly integrate new technologies in our new product development process.
12. We proactively develop new technologies and use them to generate new product ideas.
13. We invest in technology development related to our products.
14. We emphasise the development of new capabilities or technology related to our business.
15. We believe the cost associated with employee learning is an investment and not an expense.
16. An emphasis on constant innovation is part of our corporate culture.
17. Our products are less environmentally harmful than those of our competitors.
18. We always try to reduce the environmental impact of our products or services.
19. We reduce the likelihood of environmental accidents through process improvements.
20. We reduce the cost of inputs for the same level of outputs for our products.
21. We always comply with government regulation to protect our company’s interests.
22. We have created spin-off technologies that could be profitably applied to other areas of our business.
23. We consider the interests of stakeholders in our investment decisions by creating a formal dialogue.
24. We have improved employee health and safety.
25. We have recognized and acted on the need to fund local community initiatives.
26. In our market, customers’ preferences have changed quickly over time
27. Market demand and customer tastes have been unpredictable in our market.
28. The actions of customers and distributers can be highly unpredictable.
29. It seems that new competitors enter our market all the time.
30. Our competitors change their strategy constantly.
31. It has been very difficult to forecast where technology will be in the next five years.
32. Technology is changing rapidly.
33. A large number of new products have been made possible through technological break through.
34. During the last 5 years we have benefited from government support on trade advice.
35. We have benefited from government’s enforcement of intellectual property rights.
36. We have benefited from government support to help businesses to build relationships with universities and/or colleges, to develop and exploit new ideas.
37. Relative to our competitors, the company is good at researching new competitors and new customers.
38. Relative to our competitors, the company is good at developing new pricing strategies.

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