Client’s and website owners are always getting hassled by ‘SEO companies’ trying to frighten them and informing them that their adverts are not effective or not working, here is a typical exchange between a website client and a reputable website company (like us 🙂 )
[Distressed Website Owner / Client] I’m still getting loads of people ringing me saying they can do a better job promoting the site, and that I am getting a lot of irrelevant clicks, that put me on searches that aren’t relevant to us is this right? I’ve told them I’m not interested and that I trust you to look after it for me. Am I getting irrelevant clicks?
[Reassuring Website Design company] Hi, how would another company know what keywords are in your adwords advert and what keywords you are incorrectly targetting? I would advise you are wasting your time talking to other people, that phone you up out of the blue, about this. I get at least one email per week from a client saying they keep getting pestered by these companies wanting your advertising spend. On previous occassions I have found them typically charging way over the correct price for their services (sometimes treble the ‘real’ cost per click) and if they need to phone you to get business then don’t you think they are probably not very good at their job?
We sent you the complete list of ‘exact match’ PPC / Adwords keywords for your adverts and they don’t contain the terms that you quoted, especially the ones that are not relevant for your campaign / business.
The competition is quite tough for your advertising in your sector, we have increased your daily budget to £10 per day but your cost per click is normally under the first page bid so it doesn’t get shown much, We intend increasing your CPC (cost per click) shortly after analysing your results. With the aim to get you on the front page in positions 1-3 with the smallest daily spend. But invariably our changes to move you up will increase the advertising cost per day but will bring you a good ROI.

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