Yet another cold call fools a website owner into parting with money for a SEO / PPC Services that they didnt want / cant affort / dont need while the actual campaign proved to be expensive and ineffective. Save your money and never talk to cold-callers especially about promoting your website.
[Email 1] Further to our conversation I am pleased to provide the details of our Google Advertising services. This is a targeted service that will put your company right where your potential customers are looking. For only £99, plus a one-off activation fee of just £10 including VAT, we will create 5 advertisements on within two working days. No other advertising method can show potential customers exactly what they’re looking for at the point they want it most, this quickly.
We’re convinced that you’ll see the benefits of our online advertising within a month. If you’re not 100% satisfied, you can cancel at the end of your month’s trial, after that you can always walk away with just one month’s notice. If you want to reduce the number of enquiries you receive then you can reduce the amount you spend after the first month to as little as £20.
[Email 2] Thank you for purchasing our Google Advertising services. I am sure you will be astonished when you see the power of Google advertising. Your consultant will be in touch shortly to discuss the details of your advertising.
As agreed £109 has been deducted from your credit card. This comprises your monthly fee of £99 which includes all costs including our management fees, together with an activation fee of £10. A full VAT invoice will be sent to you shortly.
Once your service starts we will create online advertisements that will appear on Google when people search for the agreed phrases. Once our Search Engine Professionals have set your advertisements up you will be notified by email.
You should be able to see your adverts within two working days of your service starting.
You will also receive a listing in the YourFirstSearch directory with a page detailing your business. This will also be activated within two working days of your service starting and you will be sent details of the listing at that time.
If there is anything you would like to change about your advertisements or your YFS listing at any time please do not hesitate to contact us.
You may cancel this agreement at the end of your first month’s trial. If you do not want to cancel at that time you need take no further action and this agreement will continue each month and may be cancelled by giving one month’s notice. If you would like to set up a Direct Debit please let us know, otherwise any subsequent fees will be debited from your credit card.
You can cancel your agreement by writing to or emailing us. For full terms of service please see website.
If you have any queries at all please do not hesitate to contact us.
[Email 3] I would like to introduce myself as your designated consultant dealing with your Search Engine service. Please find attached your invoice for your Google advertising with us at Search Engine Company. Your next invoice will follow. You will be sent a report on the performance of your campaign before you receive each subsequent invoice. In addition an online report will be available after the end of each month. Your username and password are attached for the online reports. Once your adverts are up and running I will send you confirmation by email.  Should you have any queries in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact me.

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