Yet another happy business owner has been delivered their new website. Here is a sample of the chats we had to get to the day the website gets put live.
Good chatting just now, here are the things we discussed with my thoughts. Logos – We prefer the logo you have currently but here are two other logos we created for the company, this was done 6 years ago (they are attached). As discussed, we really don’t recommend and don’t like the idea of using copied / generic logos but happy to change if you supply a new logo in transparent format of a high resolution – we believe this will need changes to graphics and colours on the website to make it look acceptable.
We are happy to create new logos if you give us some guidance (we had none previously)
Website Improvements / upgrades
Instagram – We would need your new Instagram username / password to integrate this into the website
Facebook – we would need to be made an admin of your new Business Page to integrate it into the website
Website Updates – Recommend you regularly supply new projects / news for us to keep your website updated
Team – Please provide photos / details for the new team members
Clients – please provide new client info
Accreditation – Please provide new details / logos
Services – do you have any more services you want added?
Email Account Sizes – Archive Email
Recommend Ordering email into size and deleting all larger / unwanted emails in inbox / sent box and deleting them from the deleted folder
You can archive off some emails also to your own PC from Outlook
[Business Owner to Old Website Designers] Yes you too thanks for the information and guidance today. I understand that you like the existing Logo however I really want a new fresh one and update it. I do really like the first one you sent with our company name through the bottom of the graphic, but as the logos were original designed for the previous company owners I think it would be prudent to redesign which I think I will do myself. I will of course source your opinion as to whether you think it works on a website level.
I am going to hold off with the Facebook and Instagram links until the business is established and the dust has settled I don’t really want any persons whom may have a negative view of my company to be able to leave any such comments at this time. We do have some new clients and I will ask one of my managers to send you this information along with removing any old ones.
I will look at the emails stored and start to remove old and irrelevant ones so to reduce the size down. Thank you for your guidance on this as well. Have just sent this to old website designers.
Please terminate the website and emails on your hosting as we have ceased trading. I believe we paid for a 2 years subscription on your invoice which would have taken us up to next year we also reduced the email account from 20 to 18 last month as deleted two accounts so this would have significantly reduced the space, for which we have received no credit or correspondence from you with regards to this. I have sourced a different company whom will now be dealing with our website and emails. Please could you provide the FTP information for the email backup and also the website domain login information.
I am terminating all services with yourself and request a refund of paid services as website and email is is not required including the reduced email capacity and no email hosting for the period up to next year. With immediate effect as we have not receive any payment term on your invoices therefore the same courtesy is returned to you.
They replied with this:
We are happy to help you move on to a different website design company but it will be a shame to lose you as a client as we had such a long relationship with the original company owner when he had the company and believe we built, managed and promoted the site well for you over several years very successfully.
I am happy to help you move / transfer away but need to say this is very rare occurrence for us and previous clients, that number only a handful, have either been left with unworkable websites, websites with low costs for a short period before the costs get increased massively, or websites that aren’t search engine friendly (losing hundreds of visitors). Two clients have actually moved back to us as we ‘rescued them’ from website disasters.
If you are certain of the move away then we will only wish you well in the future, we will archive your website, allowing you to move to back if you decide to. If you are interested in hearing what a disaster some other ‘website designers’ could be for then we should talk again and as a coincidence we recently documented a website that lost a huge amount of website visitors / ranking after they left us on our Instagram social media account.
Will prepare your closing account invoice which covers all the things you require, what company are you moving to? Please give us their email address to ensure a smooth transfer for yourselves. Can I also ask why you want to move as this will help us, we spoke and emailed numerous times about your logo as you couldn’t supply the logo in the correct format then we agreed to re-work / design it for you then you phoned to tell us to stop any work. I fear we were too honest with you about your logo design and in trying to tell you that you were potentially going to use an ‘illegal’ / copyright protected logo. This was the correct / honest advice and may have saved you a very expensive legal problem at a later date, so our honestly seems to have upset you in someway?
Will assume you require a full transfer (domain / website code and database / email accounts / web accounts) unless you tell us otherwise. If this is the case, we will have no technical or management responsibilities for the website post migration to the new supplier.
Thanks for your email, we will terminate your email and website services with immediate effect.
Assumed after you told us you had secured the services of another website designer that you would want us to transfer your email / website / domain and Google services and clearly this isn’t the case. This is a very unusual situation for us and hope you are doing the right thing, we are obviously here to help if needed.
Regarding the invoice paid, as you stated correctly that was for two years and the second year renewed a few months ago, therefore the domain / hosting / email services were all allocated / renewed for the coming year.
Unfortunately, we don’t give refunds / partial refunds and have never been asked this previously or advertised or offered this. If the account had over a year to run then this would have possibly been considered but as the year has already started and all services renewed, we cant consider this in your case.
Regarding the email accounts you had 22 email accounts with us with the new email account that you requested to be added and we then removed the two as requested to you give you 20 accounts, not 18, but again no partial refunds have ever been offered for reduction of services. We also don’t normally charge for additional accounts ‘mid’ hosting period.
We will terminate email and website services shortly and wish you good luck going forward

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