If it isnt let us make it responsive for you, why bother? well its important that your website visitors can view your business online correctly to start with and by having a Responsive website your website visitors will easily be able to find what they want on your site and make a purchase / contact you.
Why is optimisation for mobile essential?
Our evolving web browsing behaviour – Over the last 10 years mobile internet devices like tablets and smartphones have become more commonplace, we predict that mobile internet use will overtake traditional PC / Laptop internet use this year
60% Have a better opinion of a brand when they offer a tailored mobile experience.
Retailers take note. Not having a mobile optimised site is equivalent to closing your store one day a week.
50% Say they wouldn’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website for mobile.
Go forward with responsive design
We use analytics to identify the behaviour of your website’s visitors on different platforms.
This informs the layout of your website on each platform.
When a visitor enters your site, your website will recognise the device they are using and subsequently adapt its layout.
This means your website works across infinite platforms.
So while manufactureres are constantly innovating and developing new devices, you can be safe in the knowledge that your website will be optimised for it.

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