Recently had a client that wanted to know when he was going to get ‘inundated with calls and emails’ for his new website for his business, the business is 10 years old but the website is only 7 months old so I had to re-state to him that you shouldn’t expect much in the first year of having a website and appreciated that he remembered me saying that to him when we first met to discuss his website and future expectations, but perhaps I should have given more emphasis to this, saying that you can always improve your website yourself to enhance your chances of it being ranked higher by the search engines and as such getting more visitors / more calls and emails.
I re-sent him a list of things to consider to enhance his site:
Here are some recommendations to improve the website, its ranking which will subsequently improve its visitor numbers and hopefully lead to more enquires:
What we have done as part of your website review since it was built:
1, Reviewed site and updated some page ‘descriptions’
2, Rechecked that all pages have relevant titles / headings and keyword entries
3, Added two links on other websites to your site.
4, Updated your Google Places entry adding website / area / email address and photo
5, Ran a health check program to ensure all pages are linked and correct.
Cost-free Recommendations for you to do:
1, Talk to other ‘related plumbing / heating’ companies you know to ‘swap links’ their links will go on your links page.
2, Give me more testimonials from your clients to be put on testimonials page.
3, I have given your website a health check and review since the call and have added a couple of links from other websites to yours.
4, Whenever you send an email to someone, always add your website URL as a signature.
5, Comment on other related forums and blogs and ensure you add your own link to your website.
6, Create a Facebook Group  and invite your friends and clients to join. Update these pages regularly with your news. Ensure you add your website to this page
7, If you have a blog on your site then make sure you add to it regularly, this is possibly the best use of your time in promoting your own website (and it will cost you nothing but your time).
8, Add yourself to Freeindex using this link Freeindex  Ensure you add your website to this listing  – once you are a member then give me a review if you desire.
9 Add a Twitter account for your business  Ensure you add your website to this
10, Revisit every site you have ever joined update your profile and / or post to its forum or message boards and ensure your website is added to your profile.
11, Post on a forum that is related to your business or a general business forum relevant to your country / region.(there is a forum on freeindex).
12, Join the UK Business forum and write and introduction post.
Ideas that will cost something:
1, You need to pay a yearly hosting fee (yours is due in December) if you pay multiple years in advance that may affect your ‘trust’ in the search engines and give you enhanced rankings. This is a cost you must pay and it can only do your website a benefit by doing this in advance.
2, Pay Per Click advertising (any monthly budget you decide from £100 per month minimum)
3, Think you didn’t like this idea originally but we can create a Blog on your site. We recommend having a blog on your own site but If you do not have a blog on your site already then we can do it quickly and cheaply for you this is much more preferable to having a blog on an external site. (can create a customised blog on your site for £250, you will then be able to create new pages / update photos and add your news as often as you want)

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