Beware of SEO cowboys or link building scam emails or telephone calls, the following is a collection of those  received by clients – invariably they go on stating the obvious and promising to give a ‘comprehensive report’ that turns out to be anything but comprehensive:
[Essex SEO Company]
I enjoyed exploring your website. I have prepared a  on your website’s online presence and its performance. If you are interested we can discuss on this report. I can schedule a online conference with you and share my desktop and show you the report. The report has important insights on:

How your competitors are doing?
How your Keywords are performing?
Number of indexed pages to your website?
Your current Pagerank.
Please forgive the direct approach I was looking at your website which currently has 4 links and a Open Site Explorer homepage score of 19/100. Your backlink profile (other websites that link to you) is the single most important factor determining where you rank in search engines. (You can see more details of your links at open site explorer)
The main targeted keyword for your website receives over 30,000 searches each month in the UK on Google alone. I wondered what difference it would make to your business if there was an increase in relevant / local traffic making it to your website that would manifest itself in more emails / phone calls and invariably sales.
Your title tag may not be optimised to position you to complete with websites of similar authority and subsequently drive the largest amount of targeted traffic possible.  Your website could see a significant increase in traffic by building links to it as well as optimising the structure and keywords of the content. I’d like to offer you a free in-depth website audit covering these and many other important factors along with what could be done to improve your current rank.
I’m sure you receive many generic sales emails offering business services. I hope in taking the time to find out a bit about your website before contact you will go some way to proving our SEO project is a credible professional business that goes the extra mile for our customers. Hopefully, together we can establish a positive internet presence for your website that would bring you more business and in turn greater ROI. There is no obligation on your part to hire us after the conference.
[Website Owner] Hi, Your suggestion comes at a good time as we were talking about this recently. We would be interested to see your report and welcome your reply, we do not see the need for a online conference but if you can send a report to us in word or pdf format we can consider your findings and perhaps engage you to work for us to make the website better.
[SEO Company] Thanks for your quick reply. As per our discussion, I am providing the detailed analysis of your website below:
Page Index By Google: 251
Back-ward links: 6
Canonicalization Issue: Found
HTML Validation: 6 Errors
Reverse IP: 198 other sites found.
Let me know if you have any updates for me. Waiting for your reply.
[Website Owner] This is hardly a detailed analysis ? I expected a report

On investigation both companies that send the SEO emails had new websites with only mobile addresses and no postal address on the site (against regulations) additionally both website werent even optimised!

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