Here is a brief snapshot of an SEO report that we produced, this report ‘snippet’ is not comprehensive and is just included for interest.
Search Engine Optimization – SEO is a crucial part of an overall online advertising strategy. An optimized site will rank higher for specific keywords, allowing more potential customers to find your site. Our SEO Reports and Project that we subsequently perform will provide us with the most important things we will need to analyze, compare and decide on the best approach to getting your site ranked higher than your competition.
Onsite Keyword / Tag Analysis
Title Tag – A keyword-rich, focused page title (placed within your site’s <title> tags) can improve your page’s ranking considerably. Page titles are often listed in search engine results.
Result: Your site’s title does not contain your main keyword, which will negatively impact your search engine listings.
Meta Tag Check – This test verifies whether you’ve properly placed your META tags on your site.
Result: You have both description and keyword META tags in place. Make sure your main keywords are listed first in your META tags.
Alt Attributes – Any image on your web page should have an alt attribute that reflects the image’s content. It’s another place to stress your site’s keywords, and a great way to increase your keyword density.
Result: You have 15 images on your site with missing or empty alt attributes.
robots.txt – This plain text file sits on your server, alerting any search engines that ‘crawl’ your site about how often to reindex and whether to follow links on your pages. An ‘all-inclusive’ robots.txt can improve your ranking.
Result: Your site has a robots.txt.
Keyword Density Analysis – It’s impossible to predict search engine algorithms from month to month, but there are generally-accepted conventions for the appropriate ranges of keyword density — the number of times your keywords appear on a page of your site, in relation to the total number of words.
Result: Your keyword may be mentioned too many times on your site.
Search Engine Results (SERPS) Bing, Yahoo and Google Results
Within our SEO report we will evaluate the overall position of your website based on your most important search terms /  keywords. It will then provide an analysis of the exact position of that site based on the keywords and also list other sties that are listed in the top 10 positions.
You will be advised if your site is NOT found in the top 100 results.
This is important to help determine where your site is currently listed based on the keywords above and how you might approach optimizing your site to improve your ranking over time. You can come back to this report to check the results of our SEO efforts.
Link Check
Over 5% of links on the Web are broken! Broken links act as roadblocks to search engine spiders. This part of the report highlights the links that are not working which will be fixed as part of your SEO project work.

Google Rating
Based on 82 reviews