We love building and promoting websites, here is an overview of the headings we base our SEO projects on, you will get a comprehensive SEO report based on the following headings / sections when you get us to promote your website as part of our advanced SEO project.
Completed Work – Other Websites / Backlinks
As part of the SEO project strategy, we have gained a series of authoritative outreach placements in order to enhance the site’s value in search results, utilising our own extensive network of websites, blogs and online digital platforms. Through these external publications, we are able to research, write and place a relevant piece of content which will provide a link back to your website which remains within Google’s best practice guidelines. We utilise a number of different metrics when determining the suitability of these websites for your campaign and with this element of the strategy, we are able to enhance your website’s visibility in Google search results.
Completed Work – Technical
Technical SEO covers any work required to make the site easier to crawl and to be seen and understood by Google. The following shows the work completed throughout the SEO Website Project:
Previous month:
Landing page loading speed optimisation
Resolved 25 errors with links containing no follow attributes
Investigated 10 pages have a low word count – Only one page was coming up as needing more content and this was the basket page, no changes needed.
Resolved 1 error caused by the page not having a meta description
Ensured all phone numbers were ‘clickable’ (click to dial)
Fixed the phone icon issue on the checkout page
Resolved a homepage link design issue – The content was being made to look invisible.
Completed Work – Content
We have optimised and written a number of pages throughout the month in order to encompass a broader range of keywords and enhance your overall market share. These include:
Content optimisation to the homepage
Backlinks – Summary
Google My Business – Insights
Google Analytics – Organic Search
Google Analytics – Landing Pages (Organic)
Google Search Console – Top Queries
Google Search Console – Top Pages
This Month’s SEO Strategy
Scope of Work Description
In order to grow the authority of the domain’s backlink profile, we will outreach to sites with high domain authority and relevancy. We are looking to gain a total of 4 link placements this month.
As part of this month’s strategy, we will resolve the following technical errors in order to improve and maintain the overall health of the site:
Lots of Links Contain No Follow Attributes
7  Images Are Missing An Alt Attribute
5 Pages Have A Long Title
Missing HTTPS Redirect
Create HTML Sitemap
Google My Business Optimisation

Google Rating
Based on 82 reviews