A lot of clients get worried when they get emails saying their website is not performing well in the search engines and they should invest in a ‘remedy’ of a link building campaign or a SEO program, these emails are spam and can be safely ignored. The ‘companies’ send out thousands of these emails every day and only need 1 to reply each week to allow them to sell their ‘remedy’. Letting an unqualified amateur attempt to SEO your website is like letting a cowboy builder loose on your house. To illustrate this point one of our clients has an Internationally / Worldwide highly ranked website that is in the top 3 of all its major search terms in all 3 search terms and has super content and is optimised extremely well but still gets emails like the one below. Spam and scare tactics (via phone and email) are not welcome and time wasting for the website business owner but unfortunately are a part of the normal working day for most of us.
Here is part of the email received today

I found your site in the Google search and after having a look over your website I think you should go to for a SEO campaign which will enable to you to marketable your products and also with the service. Now all the webmasters are taking the help of SEO to promote their online business and make a online reputation for their website and their products. These days your website on the Internet plays a vital role in the progress and prosperity of your business organizations. You site is having some problem which need to be rectified and you need some good back link in order to compete with your competitors.

If you dont know where a email comes from and they promise enhanced search engine results and warn you about your website shortcomings in general, if your a client of ours and we have given your website our approval, you have nothing to worry about.

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