Please find Google Reports attached.
This is an overview of what we have provided:
1) New Bespoke / Responsive / Content Managed WordPress Website
2) SEO – your clicks, interest and enquirers have all increased as a result of this
3) Your website was added also to business directories
3) New logo designs
4) Website maintenance and Management
5) WordPress security updates, to avoid website getting hacked.
6) Plugin updates
7) New content (which was prepared by ourselves) for new website, which was billed separately. You’ve asked me to copy text from other website, and I said that if I do it Google will penalise your website.
8) I have also setup Google ads advert, I’ve never sent you bill for this – which cost me £300 (proof in attachments) – if you have not received even 1 phone call from this or enquiry, please let me know.
You have sign up for my services (Proof in attachment).
I’ve mentioned before going ahead, please setup Social Media accounts, so I can add images and direct people to the website. I’ve requested on our last meeting, please send some more images, you said that you email this, I’ve never received it. Social is one source of additional traffic which can be directed to website, with new images and content it can drive more traffic, and this opportunity was lost.
We provided all my services as per our agreement. Also I say to all my clients, SEO will take time, and usually it’s 12 – 24 months.
Google Rating
Based on 82 reviews