social networks - twitterWhat are the social networks? Twitter is a fast paced mode of communication. With only 140 characters to use, content is quickly picked up by followers and transitioned to the next fragment of information. Twitter is used primarily for giving up-to-the-minute information. Within Twitter, you have a small profile of yourself or company (whichever you are representing). It is a community that is open to the public.
Participants can follow you without you following them. Each user has “followers” who have subscribed to read your “tweets” (updates) on their own page. If you use Twitter for your business, expect to update your tweets at least two to three times a day—this may involve developing a process for regular news. Twitter can be an excellent tool for providing news during a trade show, product launch or other business-related events.
Through applications such as TweetDeck, and twellow you can strategically listen and react to your industry at large. You can find people looking for products/services similar to yours and pay attention to your followers’ excitements, concerns and questions.
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