We continue to promote the websites we have built and website’s bulit by other website design / SEO companies in Essex and other areas and our results locally and internationally are not only very impressive they are current and simple to check, so you can be assured that we not only “talk the talk” but we can “walk the walk” also. The following sample exchange gives you an idea about the thoughts of a website owner thinking about improving their website by giving the SEO project to Delicious Webdesign.
[Website needing Help] I have been looking at seo , reading it up and a friend has told me that he pays some yank company £10 a month for entry into directories that has boosted his site, i also see other people are talking about loads more back and or forward links etc. Its clear from search for other products that some companies somehow have the knowledge to get on the first google page, so i want to spend some money with the right company to deliver some measurable improvements, in search and image search*
So, can you provide me the full monty service or if you cant fit us in your work schedule can u recommend another website design /  specialised SEO company?  This means I want a search for my main search term to be somewhere, today in Google I gave up looking on page 25.  Same for images, we come nowhere, but when i search for oriental umbrellas in images, my image on your site comes up, but not my site!! ( ps on your site can u put a link to my site on your page). Additionally I will send u a mail soon for a few changes to the website. I have also briefly talked to someone eles, but u are saying similar. I would much rather use your company. So will call u in next few days to dicuss, as i want to start asap to let the changes bed in by end of April.
[Website Company to improve website]  As previously stated we can optimise / promote or SEO your website, simple link building may harm the website and without expert knowledge you cannot know that the changes made for £10 a month makes any difference. Your site this month has had 600 visitors but the same month (30 days) last year it only had 280 visitors (over 100% increase due to having a search engine friendly site and the site growing naturally or organically). Obviously we can review all the stats as part of a SEO project for your website and part of that would be to focus on keywords and identify the most popular and appropriate keywords for your website and optimisation of it.
Your main search term is searched for over 8000 times monthly in the uk and 200,000 globally, so it is a relevant and valuable keyword to rank for but as such its more competitive than other keywords, another main search term is searched for less globally but more locally (UK is 12,000 searches) so info like that needs to be discovered and acted on to optimise correctly.  We have links to your site already on our website’s portfolio and have had them there since the site was built – the links are optimised using ‘anchor text’ and relevant surrounding text. Your images do feature in google images but this is an area we can optimise for you.
We can provide the full monty seo package or a cut down version and can demonstrate success with both (search ‘essex builders’ we have 3 clients in the top 10 and for an International SEO term search ‘padi idc’ and we have a website in the top 3 results on all the search engines results pages).
The link above is to our generic SEO package  but would need to tweak this package to suit you and can tell you I would need Louisa (our webcopy girl) to create a lot more content (webcopy / text) for your site as part of any SEO project we do on your site. Your pending changes can be done as part of the SEO project. Additionally it may be valuable if you could tell me a budget you want to work to for this work and if you are willing to do any SEO work that I recommend yourself? Hope this sounds interesting for you
[Website needing Help] I would like to go with you for some SEO work.  Please can you make the website maintenance changes as agreed previously shortly. Regarding the SEO Work, here are my initial ideas:
1. Additional webcopy / text for the new and existing pages.
2. Images – i believe the keywords, should be embedded in every picture
3. Please do all optimisation possible on every page (onsite optimisation)
4, Links from other sites into my site, is that called backward links? seems these are very important. The other company I was talking so said that they actually telephone other directories or relevant sites to get them to link to me, not sure if that was true, but would like to understand how you will build those links, presumably you research the product type and find relevant directories and sites.
5. I need to kind of measurement of success, i.e the site moves up the listings, visits increace etc, can we agree a baseline now for the zero measurement pre work starting. I will send u other terms that worked in Google adverts.
6. International- I have sold most to USA and Italy, so maybe the Italian words for patio umbrellas should be embedded, I will do some research on some foreign terms to include.
Budget – lets discuss  and agree the services and price, but not a problem, happy to start asap , please send me an  invoice for the SEO project.
I have disabled Google adwords about three weeks ago to help with the zero baseline measurement of traffic
Last year I sold  some to opera and theatre companies, and fashion photographers. So over next 3 months we will be marketing to

  • Film and TV props companies
  • Theatre Companies
  • Opera Companies
  • Garden Designers
  • Fashion photographers
  • Hotel and Bar equipment suppliers
  • Garden shows, county shows etc
  • Tatler magazine , and county life  and other magazines. If you look at many home and garden, women’s magazines many have small features about new products, this is an area we need to come up in when they research (not sure how that’s done)

So these are our main target markets, all of the above and rich people who don’t blink an eye at spending £300 quid on our products ( We sold 10 to the same lady in Italy who owned a massive hotel). we are not targeting Joe Public as they cost too much. Please bear in mind these target markets in the SEO activities and your research.

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