Once again the Chrismas break period has shown us how certain websites get big reductions in traffic on a month on month comparison. We find that service orientated websites like builders, interior desigers, wedding services companies seem to be hit quite hard over this period with reductions in traffic over 20% in coresponding periods in previous months.
There are some websites that seem to show healthy rises over the christmas period and those websites are normally ecommerce or leisure orientated.
Roll on January for everything to get back to normal again!
Update January 18th
This is the first week since the middle of December where week on week stats for all our websites have increased, this proves that the holiday period and the post chrismas blues / lull is over and people are back looking for goods and services in numbers
Update January 27th
Website stats for all our domains are up 45% week on week, this is due to the fact that everyone is back at work and searching for goods and services and this corresponds with a lot of our sites having gone through a SEO project where their ranking positions in the search engines have been updated massively. One new building company we have taken on have seen their website visitor numbers increase by 150%

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