Here is a standard list of website updates / improments / SEO updates that has been included for reference of the level of detail we go to when reviewing / updating your website to improve it:
Here are the SEO / Website Improvement updates
The first ones are from our email exchanges:
Awards Display on home page  – We were working on the awards again today as just by moving them to the top made the responsive experience very bad so not they all resize and don’t need excessive scrolling down on tablets / phones
Do you really want them on every page? Obviously we can do that but cant remember you asking that as I am sure I would have said that just to have them on the front page at the top, but easy to put them on all the pages if you want that.
Footer – Regarding footer the theme was updated and caused lots of problems, each problem was fixed but this wasn’t noticed as there wasn’t an error shown on screen now but good news its now been fixed and its back – The site has had huge updates and now happy to say its fully up-to-date (and the footer is back)
Text alignment on RHS Column – The RHS ‘get in touch’ text / column wasn’t touched but I can see what you mean about it being mis-aligned now the main headings are ‘corrected’ it makes it look bad. We have centred the text and created paragraphs to make it look and read better. Hope you agree its now an improvement on what has always been there.
Responsive Gaps – The big gap that’s shows below the on page galleries is an bug / error with the plugin, we have already spent many hours on this trying to fix it after you spotted it and we identified it as an error so on the back of this email and the fact it really isn’t acceptable we are now going to use another gallery plugin so that the gap isn’t shown in responsive mode. The plugi was purchased it just now and will take us a few hours tonight / tomorrow to configure it correctly, so the gaps should be gone by tomorrow by the time you get this email.
Pages The fonts and sizes are the same but the ‘points’ were not changed so we have moved them below the mini gallery think this looks / works well now, have centred the sub-heading on this page
Awards – These are now in chronological order at the top of the home page – personally I like the look of the other awards above the footer on the other pages but will be directed by yourself here as to what you want
Further Updates
Replaced / renamed 6 images here to be the correct size and gave them all appropriate names
Example big / badly named images below
General alignments
If you look on different screens / resolutions the alignment will vary slightly
Mobile views
As the images hadn’t been resized correctly on some of the pages and the original coding didn’t take into account responsive modes we have had to resize images and rebuild pages to make it work with images resized / re-optimised also, the page that will be rebuilt tomorrow to enable it to be fully responsive (mobile friendly)
Changed the image titles / links to improve its look on mobile devices, can we remove the prices also as that would then ensure each description would always fit on one line.
Updated page to be fully responsive
Logo / Heading changed to look better for mobiles (phone number centred and clickable)
Loading speeds
Website had unusually large bandwidth requirements – page load speeds affected by large / unoptimised images on slider
1 Slider images resized / reoptimised
Home page (saved 1MB)
About page (saved 2MB)
Shop Page (saved 1MB)
Meet the team (saved 3MB)
Awards (saved 2MB)
2 Five Awards logos resized from 25kb to 7 / 8kb
3 There are 12 front page ‘flasher’ carousel images, consider this too many
We have resized the ones that are too big from 680*440px Saving 1.34MB For reference they are all 680*440px
After these image optimisations the page size has been reduced from 3.4MB to 2.7MB
4 0ne of them had a double extension so this was fixed and it was given a more search friendly name  – Corrected image naming, it had a  (double .jpg extension)
5 Page speed improved (technical improvements) improved page load by 7%
5 page size reduced to 2.4MB after technical tweaks (combining css / javascript / html)
6 Page size further reduced to 1.7 MB after we installed browser caching
Testing from a US server
Guide Website 1 is 2.6MB / Load time 4 seconds
Guide Website 2  is 1MB / load time 3 seconds
Guide Website 3  is 2.4MB / load time 10 seconds
Your Website load time 3.7 seconds
Testing from a Canadian Testing server the page gets rated as
A – 94%
Broken Links
third party link removed dead link
link to a video now set to private removed
three year old news post with 25 external links has had the external links removed.
Plugin Update
Nextgen gallery updated to latest version
Slider images on front page updated by Abi
3 pro stock images were uploaded
Original size 12MB to 8MB
System optimise sizes 95kb – 131kb
Final Optimised sizes 51 – 75kb
Stock images were named iStock_85222803_XXLARGE.jpg and similar
They were manually renamed to search engine friendly titles
recommend keeping the number of carousel image on the sliders to maximum 10 (not 20) Especially on the home page can you remove some?
Additional updates
We Upgraded theme on the site, this upgrade was completed last week.
Corrected the search box on the news section
Increased the size of the font on the news posts

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Based on 82 reviews