How visible is your website on the search engines? And more importantly are the phrases you’re being found for really the right ones to bring in business?
A SEO Website Check by Delicious Webdesign will examine your site’s visibility on Google and best of all it’s FREE.
Search Engine Optimisation really is just about getting the right kind of traffic to your website. We employ experienced SEO analysts who have been increasing traffic for website owners for the last 10 years. We have lots of suggestions for websites of any size. If you’d like to have a look at our ideas for increasing your return on investment, we can run a free report and email it over to you.
The report will tell you:
• How well you are ranking for specific keywords
• How your competitors are doing.
• An analysis of back links to your site.
• Green, Amber and Red Listings to where your site’s strengths and weaknesses lie.
They key to successful SEO is relevancy: making sure that the things that you are doing suit your customers, so have a look at the report and if you’d like us to make any further suggestions we can do (though not in an overly techie way – just good common sense!).
If you want to discuss this further give me a call, or check out the information on our website.

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