This is a pretty rare occurrence as if a website designer / hosting company stops trading they should have sold their company including their clients to another company that agrees to continue the hosting arrangement with existing clients. If you have a domain you will be glad to know there is a simple solution out of your predicament. Here are the standard details we sent to new clients if they contact us after their website designer has disappeared or gone out of business.
To begin the transfer process, you will need to do two things:
1, phone / email Nominet to explain that your website designer has gone out of business and you want to transfer to us (they charge £10 for this service)
You will need to tell them to update your IPS tag to ENOM
This will enable us to transfer your site / email
to contact Nominet by their website >>
or via Telephone: +44(0)1865 332244 (Lines open 8am – 6pm)
or Email:
2, pay the yearly hosting fee, if you want us to make changes on the website you can give us a full list and we will confirm the changes are viable and will give you a quote, we sometimes suggest other changes / improvements that you may not have spotted.
Website updates are performed on a hourly support cost basis and you will be glad to know we are quick and efficient at these. We have already got the source code of your website to enable us to start any work immediately.
Things to bear in mind
You will need to re-setup your email (if you use an email client like outlook / windows live mail / mail) full instructions will be given, normally this takes only a few minutes. If you access your mail via the web (webmail) you will be given a website address where you can access your email with your username (email address) and password which we supply.
The transfer may take a day or two to begin and your site maybe down for a few minutes during the swap over.
Once you have contacted Nominet and they have confirmed the transfer phone or email us to tell us this so we can continue the transfer process.

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