Got a website and paying too much for your hosting account? This is normally because hosting accounts aren’t setup for individuals and they probably give you more that you need or will ever want.
We always want to raise awareness of our website business services including the web hosting services we provide. To put it frankly, we will beat all of the other hosting providers on service and price, if you can find one cheaper than us we will match the price. We are currently doing a promotional offer of £45 for a years hosting, email accounts and setup that includes a very generous disk space allocation and and unlimited bandwidth. We use UK based servers and an award winning hosting company to be assured of 99.9% website uptime.
We can afford to be so keenly priced as we have huge purchasing power and host hundreds of websites, we are not a start-up business that has to charge huge hosting costs just to keep our head above water, as always we are looking to increase our customer base for website design and website hosting, we do not sacrifice quality of servers or our setup and support service at any time.

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