We are now doing our website hosting in 2 year periods, was recently asked by a client ‘Can you explain this website hosting fee to me and why its now two years in advance”, my answer:
The two year website hosting period is the way we are doing it now, if you really don’t want to then we can do one year at a time but its actually beneficial to you to do multiple years in advance as the benefits to yourself are:
1 There is far less administration (every year your hosting invoice involves emails / invoices /payments and not to mention the emails and phone calls to remind you about the payment when it gets overlooked)
2 Your website will potentially be stronger (from a search perspective) by letting us renew it in advance. For all our SEO projects we recommend clients renew multiple years in advance and have at least 10 clients that have renewed 5 years in advance now (including ourselves)
3 you get today’s hosting cost locked in for two years (This is even more valuable to you as we have a below average hosting cost)
4 Less chance of you forgetting to pay for your website renewal and therefore there is less chance of your website being offline.
5 Guaranteed service for the two year period from us.
Most businesses are there for the long term and as such it makes sense to absorb the fixed costs in advance to ensure the continuity of service.

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