This is the level of detail we need when we create text for our clients websites:

Please write a blog article about:
The article will be published on the following blog:
Copy type: Blog Article
Special features of a blog article:
Blog articles are of a highly individual subject matter. Whether it is for a personal blog or a company blog, it is particularly important that the tonality and the way in which the client addresses their audience on their blog are maintained and that specifics in the briefing are adhered to accurately.


The goal to be achieved with the article is to (please tick in brackets below):
[ ] inform
[ ] introduce/present a product
[ ] entertain
[ ] Other:

The text should contain the following call-to-action (please tick in brackets below):
[ ] Purchase
[ ] Contact / Request
[ ] Download document
[ ] Registration
[ ] Other:

[ ] No call-to-action desired

Target group and industry vertical:
Please use the following sources for content creation (information on the company, brand, product or service):
Further information on the required content (e.g. focal point of topic)


The text should have the following structure (please tick in brackets below):
[ ] Contain meaningful heading
[ ] Be divided into paragraphs
[ ] Contain subheadings
[ ] Contain list(s) with bullet points
Further instructions on the structure (e.g. Insert sample structure):


What tonality/style should the blog article have (please tick in brackets below)?
[ ] Simple/short & concise
[ ] Casual/informal (see target group!)
[ ] Upscale
[ ] Neutral/factual
[ ] Humorous
[ ] Enthusiastic/entertaining
[ ] Giving advice
[ ] Easy to understand (using lay terms)
[ ] Other:

Direct salutation:
[ ] You
[ ] None

Writing perspective (please tick in brackets below):
[ ] We/our shop/our company
[ ] The company/shop
[ ] The editorial team
[ ] I
[ ] Neutral
Special features (e.g. timelessness, storytelling, American English, or similar):

Please consider the following brand specifications (link if applicable):

Text sample whose style I particularly like (please insert URL or meaningful passage):


1) Search terms / keywords
The main keyword is:
Consider supporting keywords (separated by commas):
Please distribute keywords evenly in the text. Use appropriately in the subheadings.
If a call-to-action is desired, do you want the main keyword to appear in it? [ ] yes [ ] no

2) Links
The text should contain the following external and/or internal links (e.g.: URL, anchor text, placement in the text …):

3) Meta data (additional bookable option)
Should the text also be accompanied by meta-data (please tick in brackets below)?
[ ] Meta title (max. 60 characters incl. spaces) with main keyword
[ ] Meta description (120-155 characters incl. spaces) with main keyword

Note to author: Please clearly mark these two sections with the words “Meta Title:” and “Meta Description:” in your text.

Note to client: Requested meta data has an influence on the number of words. This means that if you order meta data, you have to adjust the total word count of your order upwards.


The following HTML tags are desired – HTML tags are billed like words (please tick):
[ ] Headings < h1 >,< h2 >, < h3 >, <… >
[ ] Paragraphs < p >
[ ] Lists < li > or < ul >
[ ] Bold < strong >
[ ] Italics < i >
[ ] Links < a href >

[ ] no HTML desired

SOCIAL MEDIA TEASER / SHORT DESCRIPTIONS (additional bookable option)

The following teasers/short descriptions should be written for this blog article (please tick in brackets below):
[ ] Twitter (max. 280 characters incl. spaces)
[ ] Facebook
[ ] LinkedIn
[ ] Xing
[ ] Instagram
[ ] Newsletter
[ ] Other:

[ ] No social media teaser desired

Important: a maximum of 2-3 sentences per social media platform (about 20-30 words).

Note to client: The number of social media teasers you want has an influence on the number of words. This means: If you want teasers as a client, you have to adjust the total word count of your order upwards.


What the copy must not contain under any circumstances (e.g. negative examples, competitors, sources, etc.):


Please use the following tool(s) for text checking: grammarly
Unique content (the texts may not be copied in whole or in part from other sources).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
Thanks in advance and good luck with the content creation!

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