Here is an interesting conversation that demonstrates project specification drift as well as the normal high and unrealistic expectations that some adult website clients have over the competitiveness of their business online.
[Adult Website Client] I am interested in your Website Package (8 page/ Β£599.00) This would be an Adult Industry website but I will also need to have made up different size banners for Adult Directory advertising / listings, If this is just a simple graphic would this be an extra cost? I understand if the banners are more complicated meaning we wantΒ Flash animation that I would have to pay additional charges. I also have an existing website which I would like to re-design as well, how much would this cost please?
[Adult Web Designers] Ok so after our telephone conversation, this email and the texts I understand you want two escort websites that both may have up a number of girls on each, we can do some banners for you that you can use to add to directories and link build these banners will not be flash as that is no good for you in terms of expense and ‘SEO’ we prefer standard revolving images on banners.
You mentioned an 8 page website below but would that be enough? how many girls on each website? Additionally will assume you will provide the girl’s photos but will you provide the text on the website as well (do you want any text for an about us page or an FAQ page?)
[Adult Website Client] Yes I would like 2 websites, one completely new, eye catching, classy and upmarket Escort advertising, please see examples ‘Asian Gallery’ (I would like it to be similar to this in terms of style and content) Also ‘Escorts London’ is another site I like for style and content.
I would not require ‘reviews’ page, but ‘home’ page, ‘gallery’ page with a sub page for each girl in ‘gallery’, would not need ‘about us’ that could be part of the text on ‘home’ page, an ’employment’ page would be good and ‘booking’ page could be combined with ‘contact us’ page, also a ‘links’ page is essential.Β The other website is to update “Essex Massage” as already requested. I would like to start the new website first.
Can you please send me an example of a standard ‘revolving’ images on a banner, just to see if I like this as a banner.Β I would just like to clarify about having SEO or not, I understand it may be more expensive, but can you guarantee that the this new website will be on Google first page without it?Β I should also say that my friend has two websites “Japanese Escorts” and “Oriental Heaven” which only cost Β£1500 each but both are on/near Google first page without SEO so how is this possible? Can you do the same for my websites also?
May I please ask about your experience with producing adult websites, I know its very competitive and there are a lot of escort and agency websites in Essex and London, so my websites have to stand out to be noticed as well as being in a prominent position on Google.
[Adult Web Designers] We can produce the website exactly like you want, you want a lot of pages and you mentioned 36 /Β 21 girls which will result in one page each for the girls and a master gallery of them allΒ on the same page. Regarding Adult websites, the ones I can show you are listed below
[website links removed] including one new adult related website which is not launched yet, the new website will allow you to advertise for free on this site.
Your website will be written in a search engine friendly way which is a big start to SEO the site and would rank in google immediately, if you give us specific search terms we can create / build the site to ensure it ranks for that search term examples would be “asian escorts essex” and “japanese escorts london”.
If both websites are to be the same then we can duplicate some work so would suggest we can do both websites with 30+ and 20+ girls for Β£2200 and can do the updates to your current site on an hourly basis (Β£30 per hour) and can create your revolving banners for advertising included in the above cost. To start the ball rolling we will need confirmation of website names, confirmation of your exa and a deposit.
I have found and secured two websites for Japanese escorts and Asian escorts that are valuable and available and can release them to you as part of the package (price included in the total price)Β Really want to work with you on this project and will be waiting your reply.
[Adult Website Client] Does this price include a content management system? as you will appreciate there will be a lot of girls ‘coming and going’ so it would be easier for me to update the gallery etc myself. Also, can this price include some banners with ‘flash’ ? i.e. Directory websites or they just do not stand out from the rest of the banners.
If both these are included in the price then I will be happy to go ahead with the two websites, as this is over my budget anyway.
Just to make it perfectly clear, both these two websites are aimed to cover the whole of London eg Mayfair, Green Park, Knightsbridge, Park Lane, Baker Street, Edgware Road, Chelsea, Fulham, Earls Court and Kensington etc basically all the same areas covered by ‘Asian Gallery’ (at the bottom of Home Page)
I would like to pay by credit card, would this be possible to pay on your website?Β Which of the payment options should I use for the Β£1000 deposit? I also noticed that you do actually include CMS is included in the 5 and 10 page website, can you clarify this please? As your website actually includes this as ticked item. What exactly does my package include for the price we are paying please, can you itemise exactly what I am getting for this money,
for the two websites.Β The important thing is that I get 2 stylish, eye catching websites. I have found that the first one is available for Β£10.47 for 2 years, I would prefer this to one with hyphens in it. Also the second one is available for Β£4.99 for a year is also available, this is also better without the hyphens.
[Adult Web Designers] CMS is content management which is purely that meaning it allows the changing the text and images on the existing pages, what you would need for your website is to add / remove / change whole webpages, this a more complex bespoke system that allows you to change menus / add new pages etc this would be more expensive option and as I said yesterday its better for your websites SEO if you ‘archive’ old girls and replace them with new ones that take their place in the master gallery.
We will agree to change existing text / photos for you for free on any page but to add new pages (new girls) would probably take us 20 minutes each (if photos / text provided correctly). Once the deposit is paid we go away and produce a draft website for you to check and approve before we proceed and we give you visibility of the development process and as your opinion on any ‘choices’ we need to take during the website design. Once the deposit is paid we can get the project scheduled in and a developer on to it within 3 weeks and expect completion 2 weeks from then, we will require all photos and text to be sent to us during this time.
The cost includes the hosting / domain name / email setup / website design / optimising the site for the search engines / review of all the existing webcopy on the site (and adding more where appropriate. You need to choose website names.Β Once the deposit is paid we will purchase the selected websites and put a holding page on that site for you as well as giving you email access to the site.
We can now go forward and create these sites for you, do you want to come to my office in Essex? or do you want to do a bank transfer? If you visit I think I would prefer this so we can meet and get everything straight between us. So we both know what to do and expect. If you have no time then we can do everything via telephone and email. We have secured a very good Japanese escorts website name for you that I hope you will be happy with . We are free Wednesday / Thursday or Friday in the afternoons this week. The website names you have mentioned in your texts are available but when you pay the deposit I will give you the website name – if you dont like it you can choose another but I think its the best one for you and am surprised we got it so easy.
Deposit Paid / Websites Secured
Have received a few images by email and a few by dropbox – please send them all by dropbox when you have them
[Adult Website Client] Just thought I’d drop you a line to say with all the photographs I have sent you recently, obviously the ‘logos’ need to be cropped out and can you use your creative skills to crop
the images either to close up, mid-shot or full length depending on the images. I trust its all going well?
[Adult Web Designers] Hi Yes keep sending all photos / text / requirements and once complete and when we get to your project it will be started.Β Regarding cropping out logos that is something that you didnt mention and if we have 30+ girls with 4 photos each then fixing / cropping the photos may take hours. If its just one or two photos then that ok, we need all the photos send via dropbox in the correct size ideally and named correctly so we know what image goes with each girl.
We will need also a list of girls with their information (can send via text in an email or an attachment like a word document). Regarding the domain name I assume the japanese one will be the first one we do but you say you want your domain names, we believe the ones we selected are much better (easier to read / better for SEO and branding). We have checked this with 5 people that all agree with this.
[Adult Website Client]Β Yes, we did get the previous email and from theΒ reply to our previous email about cropping logos taking up so much time and effort (fundamentally isn’t this the most basic process in web design?) we have decided that we will probably try to do some of this photo cropping ourselves.