We often get to redesign / promote a website that has been active for many years without bringing in any business / inquiries / work for the website owner / business. This is normally due to the quick way the website has been put together without any ‘thought’ or any real knowledge of website design and the search engines.
We believe in ‘holistic’ website design, meaning we want all areas covered ensuring you get a great looking website that looks and works perfectly on all browsers and will be easy for the website visitor to understand and navigate to make an inquiry, order or to contact you. This website must be search engine friendly to rank appropriately in the various Search Engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo). So its always worth doing a website well and not having it done ‘on the cheap’ or for ‘free’ or for a favour as long term it will cost you business and money.
Here is a recent conversation I had that demonstrates this point:

need to save up to pay you although one of my friends has done a site for me and doesn’t want paying, i’m sure yours would look jazzier though.
[delicious website designer] its not just about looking jazzier, sites from DIY site makers / free sites from ‘mates’ / sites that are done quickly will almost definitely end up costing you money as they wont be ‘user friendly’ they wont be build to the ‘w3c standards’ and will not be ‘search engine friendly’.

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