Just for interest here is some questions / worries a potential new business owner has when thinking about starting a new business and getting a new website built.
Business Owner – Hi, James do you create websites? If you do then I want to start my business up again, last time I did it myself as I think its cheaper that way.
Website Designers – Hi it would be good to help you – what business ? Come see us during the week if you want and we can give you some options about websites – did you have a website before?
Business Owner – I did but I bought a website diy pack and did it myself it was good but as I’m restarting again not sure ill have the time… I don’t have loads of money either.
Website Designers – Nobody is loaded when they start a business – what is the business? Nearly always doing a website yourself is a false economy as they its a tough job to build a ‘complete’ website that looks good, works good and ranks well.
Business Owner – It’s a cleaning business, it really went big but I went to university so dissolved it. Now I’m in the mood to reinvent and re establish. I know my old clients will come back so that’s good. Domestic and industrial
Website Designers – Thats good I am sure I can help you and actually have a cleaning website for sale that is already created / indexed in the search engine and getting website visitors and enquries.
Business Owner – How much do you want for it, I’m already registered with companies house.
Website Designers – Company registration is easy / quick and not required to have a website – you just legally have to have an address on your site, whats your budget?
Business Owner – Not sure yet, What’s your number I will message you tomorrow about stuff.
Website Designers – Can do a monthly rental thing then if you want – its important to match what you want with the site so best meet to chat and work it out, office is 01375 460094 and mobile is 07743 853976
Business Owner – Ok cool, how much realistically am I looking at?
Website Designers – Well the website would be sold for about £2000 as its ‘mature’ and getting website visitors and enquiries already – its about 20 pages in size and depending on how much we need to ‘change / tailor it’ for you will depend on the sale price or monthly rental price but happy to give you all the help you need. Indeed you can rent it to you for a good price if thats what you want
Business Owner – Ok ill discuss more tomorrow but I only had 3 pages on my website before.
Website Designers – 3 pages is not going to give you anything in the search engines
Business Owner – It did really well, I did advertise loads though
Website Designers – good well it will be nice to work with you have a look at the site and think about what pages you want added / changed http://www.essexcleaningcompany.co.uk/
Business Owner – Ok ill look, however we only cover, domestic, retail, schools and offices. But we have loads of extra services.
Website Designers – Thats no problem – website easily changed to make it perfect for you, some things to think about before our meeting – Logo / Company name – do you want to use the one we have already or use your own / do you want or can you provide photos for the site / gallery and do you want to provide text for your about page on the site
Business Owner – Hi, I am already a registered company, I already have a logo from before. I am just buying a domain for my private mail.
Website Designers – no you don’t need to buy a domain for email you get that included, I would suggest you don’t buy / do anything else before Friday – have helped new / existing companies hundreds of times now so know most things that you are going through and actually looking forward to helping you on this.
Business Owner –  might be a little later on Friday as I have just found out I have to go into work… What time are you at your office till?
Website Designers – Im flexible but on Friday I need to be finished by about 5 – what time are you working ?
Business Owner – I’m hoping to leave work by 130 latest so would be to you by 2
Website Designers – Yes thats great – we work with the computer doctors shop in Stanford and all my guys work from home offices and this is my home office you will be coming to

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