Sometimes its the little extras that make a difference, we are here to help and advise all our clients on any aspect of IT / Website design / SEO as this conversation prooves.
[Website Designers] Regarding the option of updating your site or getting us to update it you have to ask yourself, can you fix your car yourself or do you have to get a mechanic to do it? If I needed new flooring in my house I certainly wouldn’t be doing it myself, I would get you to do it because I have no experience installing flooring and my time is better spent doing what I do know what to do. When you have all the details to be updated, let me know.
As far as your email signature, I can help you with that. Emails are basically small websites and you can make a signature using what we call html. In your email program there is an option to add signatures to outgoing emails and what I do is I make up a signature using an html editor and import that into my email program. If you send me the details of your signature, I will make it for you, so that you can add it to your email program.
[Website Client] I would have more idea on fixing my car than updating and fixing my website that’s for sure. It is exactly how I feel about it, and when people see how others do their jobs so easily it makes sense to pay the experts.I would like to know more but I struggle with even the basics and I am not a very patient person so things tend to get a bit tense. I have sent my signature as a photo and would also like the logo on there to make the emails look a bit more professional.
[Website Designers] We knocked up a quick signature for you. I know it needs details but I can make it very nice for you and its extremely easy to setup in your email program. Okay all done. Now all you need to do is add the sig file to your Windows Live Mail program or Outlook Mail program.
Firstly, you need to save the email signature file on your computer. I suggest you make a folder on your desktop and call it sigs. Once you have made that, right click the attached html file and then select save as. Now save it to the sigs folder. Once done move on to the next step. Make sure you don’t change any names and remember if you move the sigs folder to somewhere else you need to change the location in the next step. So it is best to save the sigs folder somewhere were it will never move.
In Windows live, click on the dropdown arrow just above the Email Message tab in the top navigation of Windows Live. From that dropdown select Options and then Mail. Now click Signatures in the top of this popup box.
In the bottom of this box you will see a box called edit signature. Select the File option and then click the Browse button. Once you click the Browse button you are being asked to select the file called sig.html you saved in the sigs folder. Select that file and click Save. Once you have done that click the button that says Set As Default and then click Apply. Now to make sure that; that signature always applies to each email you send out clicked Advanced and then select your email that you want this signature to be applied to. Then click Ok and then you may have to click Apply again. Close down all the boxes. Now if you have set it up right, all email that you send using info@… will have the new signature attached to it. You should be okay now and everything should be working fine. Let me know otherwise.

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