The Design process can be very complex, time-consuming but if you look at the sample conversations below we go out of our way to cater for all requirements that, in this case, lead to a very successful website.
[Website Owner] I hope this will avoid conflicts and confusion over the remaining pages. I have provided notes up to our services on the menu. I have also provided guidance that I hope now eliminates conflicting info. I will work on guidance for following tomorrow:
I have spent at least 4 hours on this. If there is anyone who would like to contact me if there any queries please feel free to do so.
–       On the remaining pages (apart from contact page and front page), image to be on the left and text to be on the right.
–       Please remove all current boxes on the right of other pages (apart from the boxes on the front page).
–       The rest of pages (excluding the front page and contact page) to have light pink box with the following information:
o    At the bottom of each page (not front page and contact page) to have light pink box -see Brigitte’s template Value added help page as an example. The light pink box to have the following info:

  • next step (title)
  • please contact us on the next line
  • or fill in our contact form and we will call you back

–       Please do not buy further images at this stage. Just show images I have requested on the relevant pages with Istock logo.
–       Remove added value services from about us menu.
–       Remove why you won’t use us from about us menu – since all the points are covered in FAQs.
–       I have added our philosophy to about us page on the attached notes – please ignore the Graphic Designer’s template on this area.
About us (page)
–       The image on the left to be my photo attached (may change this later).
–       The text on top of this photo – always someone at the end of the phone in same font style as “we’ll help you keep on top of your business” on the front page
–       Text as per attached my notes word doc email earlier
–       The  titles About us, Professional Conduct and Company to be in the same font and colour as Southside Accountants logo. Please note these titles will be on the right of the page – above the relevant text.
[Delicious Webdesign]  ok so the look I think you are trying to get for your pages using your reference to bridget’s draft and the value added help page will be a problem for pages that use your syndicated content as they need a large big area that cannot be in colums and cannot have embedded graphics in it, to give you some idea we have worked on the required look for the business centre page
In the main I am happy with this. This is what I wanted. I do not like the scroll bar on this page, though I can see a reason for this. If the scroll bar can be removed without the pink box, then on this page and on the tax page leave the pink box out, ie not have the pink box on these pages.
On the pink box for other pages, please reduce the phone size of the telephone number, make this the same font size as contact us on…
The problem which we had tried to overcome in the previous business centre page  is that the syndicated content automatically puts a title of the page on the top so using your guidelines you are left with two titles. The small pink box could be moved up but then you would reduce the space for the business centre which would mean a scrolling internal page to allow all the syndicated content to be viewed, which isnt ideal.
Trying to keep to your image on left rule this would be a better look
Other points please remove consultation from the menu and replace this with news.
When news is clicked that should take to the submenu page as shown(all this is from iframe that I emailed earlier). Then submenu info would be as per Accountant websmiths.
on fees menu please add free consultation as a submenu
on the menu bar the new order will be (others to stay the same)
[Website Owner] I am impressed James! I did not think about us would look this good. My photo goes well. You also managed to put the audio!
Some minor (I hope!) changes:
–        Please change the font of colour (not the font type) of sub headings in  About us page to grey. This would be the same the font colour as above the young black guy in Bridgett’s template. Also reduce the font size of these subheadings by 2. Lets also try to have these subheadings in small caps.
–        Please change the font of colour (not the font type) of sub headings in  About us page to grey. This would be the same the font colour as above the young black guy in Bridgett’s template. Also reduce the font size of these subheadings as shown in Brigitte template – Value added help. You will notice the sub heading are bold grey and the same font size as the text below.
–        Is it possible to line up the sub heading to the text below these headings? Even if this means, removing the first sub heading (about us) and retaining the rest.
–        I do not want people to miss the audio- are you able to put this on the first page? If you are then please remove the question mark in “why us” and place the audio here
–        I no longer want the video I requested earlier unless you have a different view.
–        If possible please reduce my photo size so the elbow is not cut off. Plus a slightly smaller photo may look even better!
–        Please bring the photo down so it touches the grey footer.
–        In the professional conduct section the last sentence has a “q” please remove this.
–        Please make the rest of the text in the same grey colour as shown in Brigitte’s template.
Thanks for adjusting my photo, it looks much better now. At this stage I do not want to bombard you with more notes on other pages that I agreed to do yesterday. Once you are halfway through completion on the notes for pages I emailed yesterday, I will email you further notes on other pages. I would just like to make further points on where we are so far (overall I am happy).
–    Both on the home page and about us page, the text above page- lets follow Brigitte’s template ie on the beginning of the second line of the text there is no space. I may not make sense just look at Brigitte’s template and compare to what is on the website and you will see what I mean.
–    Is it possible to  “justify” the text on the top grey box on the home page (not including the bullet points)? If I am not being clear about what I mean by saying justify, please open up word and you will see what I mean.
–    The bottom grey box, I would be grateful if you could  make the font “Which best describes your business?” same size as “We will provide” if it is the same size then leave things as they are.
I hope this and the long email I sent you yesterday is all okay.
Please feel free to email or call me if there are conflicts.
I am very pleased that you were able to do the audio.
Thanks for adjusting my photo – as you say it goes really well with about us page. I agree with you also the news page image looks great. I will get other images – these will be based on your suggestions. I also happy with the words above the image on the news page.
I am sorry I am being too fussy – I understand this – it’s the accountants training! Please bear with me. I also fully understand your point about efforts being directed on SEO.
I am very pleased with the work you guys have done. I hope the following will be okay:
–        Please bring the photos down on about us and front page so they are touching the grey footer.
–        Front page “we will help you keep on top of your business” the word “top” needs to be aligned with we’ll and similar point with the word “end” on about us page.
–        On about us page the subtitle “company”- please align with para below- so it will also be consistent with other pages.
–        Sorry about unclear note earlier on the pink box- only do this if it is not time consuming- you had a pink box with the telephone the following info:
I asked you to remove the above thinking it will remove the scroll bar, for reasons you explained (which I now understand), the scroll bar cannot be removed. In this case and only if it is not too time consuming please lets have the pink box back at the bottom of tax centre, business centre and new pages. Though (may be unclear here!) please make the pink box and text in this smaller, so it does not dominate (in terms of look) the page. Telephone number at the top of the page is not really me.
Keen to find out about SEO once this is out of the way. Already received one query! Great! Though a very, very  small job at least a query. She will come back to me by the end of the week. She got the link through searching for Accountants on Google I hope I will see more coming in with higher (normal) fees
[Website Designers] scroll bars are part of the browser window and will only be there if your page is too big for your current screen size, dont know if you  misunderstand the scroll bar, the one I was referring to was the one caused by the iframe content from accountancy websmiths as the pages we had were too small, I have now changed the size of the framework so the major pages (tax centre / business centre).
Tested on Firefox, IE7 and 8, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera – if you still see any gap please give us your browser name / version
Good news we got loads done today, details below -great
Current progress
Glad you are happy, this project is taking about double the amount of time we budgeted for and we are pretty keen to get it finished for you and for you to be happy with the website, there is also quite some work to consider if you want to get us to re-write the content as there is a lot of pages to consider, but will talk about that after the website is complete.  Time it is taking – I hope it will be a great show case to get both us more business. I have also spent hours looking for images and thinking about the site.. In terms of re write content as you say lets approach this after completion of the work.
We think the images you are choosing and we are putting on the pages really make an impact, fyi some of the individual images take up to 25 minutes to ensure the surround of the image is pure white and to size and compress it correctly – thanks. I will not make any requests to change images.
Completed pages
Here is a list of the newly completed pages
What do you want on the ‘our services’ page ? a list of your service I would assume, do you have any text to put with that ? – There is no need for a separate page for this, since services offered are covered by the submenu in our services.
I have also altered your 4 email forms and pages to use the info@ email address account, phone if you don’t understand this.
Please add this email account and test it and test the email form – please do this by the weekend and let us know.
we are already on 24 pages (premium package is normally (10-20 pages) a couple of those pages are for mail success and failure that I have added to make the site a bit better for a user experience but think we still need more can you think of any more at this stage ?
This will bring your site to 28 pages for which I think it would be reasonable to make a small extra charge, (premium package allows 10-20 pages) our standard prices are £50 per additional page but as you didnt ask about this and I didnt tell you about it I would like to charge you only for 4 extra pages, hope that sounds reasonable and fair, if not please tell me. To maintain good working relationship I will pay extra. Plus you guys have worked hard.
We are now on 49 credits which equates to about £70 as I bought 50 credts  if you don’t know about this how credits work hope you will accept what I am are saying ) if you want more photos I will buy another 12 credits I believe you will need photos for testimonials, fees and consultation and practice news (4 pics) whatever credits are needed for additional 4 pics.

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