As you hopefully know from reading the website and these news posts we are happy to help our clients on all aspects of PC / technology / internet issues and often get asked about what PC to buy. The following demonstrates how much effort we go to help our clients in any way we can but also gives our general advive for PCs for ‘standard business users’.
[Website Client] I am so cheesed off with my pc, it takes 5 mins or more just to delete one item. I am changing to fibre optic broad and on 7th march, as my sky broadband is faulty they have admitted it is falling out every couple seconds for periods of time for the last 3 months. So at least that will be sorted shortly. Please could I ask your professional opinion – as you are in the know. I have been trying to search up workstations and wondered if the work station below have all that I need or do you have any better suggestions you could give me please? I would appreciate your input please. Have a lovely weekend
Any of these any good please? [ long list of links to PCs and monitors] I am happy to pay you for your time spent looking at the specs of the workstations/monitors sent and your valued opinion please James.
As I really have no one else to ask except Mahmood!! And I value and trust you/your advice.
[Delicious Webdesign] Regarding your emails about computers (and monitors) you seem to send details about workstations – these are high end and expensive PCs that are designed for high-end technical / scientific use so think these are a bit overkill for you. We use Dell exclusively for the quality / service  and cost. If you need a good quality PC and monitor (or two) I recommend looking at their site.  I personally like the Dell 8500 machine and there is 10 base models (before you start customising them) to suit your budget and computing requirements. I use the monitors Dell UltraSharp U2412M ( I use two together) and really like them – currently they are quite expensive but I got them when they were a bit cheaper. Probably if you don’t want to spend much money on your monitor you can simply add one to the PC customisation (you will have a choice of 3 ‘standard’ ones probably). Also please don’t send all your emails at High priority now have hundreds of emails from you all at ‘high priority’ (or perhaps you didnt know you do that ?)
[Website Client] James…you are bloomin’ fantastic, thank you so much, I  knew you would know what to buy.  They are just what I am looking for and the price is unbelievable and they have next day at home engineers I can’t believe it, I guess I will be buying Dell again.  The specs are great no wonder you use them,  D day for my broadband changeover to BT fibre optic is this Thursday so will look into buying my new PC then if still no good will buy Dell. Thank you so much!  Also sorry for making all mail urgent…it is such a habit…been doing it for 10 years!!   Will try not too.

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