I want to work with Delicious Webdesign for them to build me a website, what will I need to give you? A common question that is demonstrated by these typical exchanges and details about our service:
I can guarantee that we are very ‘hands-on’ when it comes to clients, and should you need any advice / explanations / or general help, do not hesitate to contact us in the future. We are always approachable.
This is why our project managers liaise with you directly, rather than sales people, because otherwise there is always a difference between what you are offered and what you actually receive. We are very comfortable with your requirement, and your Goal. We are aware that you wish to earn Google traffic, and this is 100% fine with what I have quoted.
I think that you will be impressed with our design, our service, and our aftercare. If you are happy to proceed, please send us:
The correct business name
Company number (if limited company)
Your business address
Your mobile number
Your landline number
Your business email address
Existing website name
Existing website ftp details
Admin panel / control panel details
We will then invoice the project and give you a call to talk you through booking the project in. We take a 50% deposit, and 50% upon completion.
To accept deposit payments for websites we take cash, BACS or Cheque.

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