[Website Owner] Hope you are well and good! I am looking to update my website by adding lots of new photos and include some sub directories.  Also I would like to add ‘buy now’ buttons against six different types of products. I have now registered with some business directories like Yell and Thompson and early days yet, but seems to be going well.  I think my clients would like to see some examples of what they can buy.
I have Paypal on the website but is not very visible – can this be moved (and presume this works).  Also is there a payment system that can be added where I can input payments myself?  I am looking at getting a payment terminal and costs quite a bit of money.  Other options from the bank is to have Sage Pay (costing a really lot of money).  I didn’t know if would recommend anything.  No worries if not.  It looks like I will be getting a terminal anyway.
Since the updates all of the website pages are looking WONDERFUL!!!!  Thank you so much.
Just one other thing – on the Testimonials page is it possible to take out the picuture and use the page as a whole to show all the Testimonals?  Again I am not liking the scroll bar!  I will be adding another category  As I will be doing another project next month and will showcase more of my work there.
I probably owe you millions of pounds now, so I best leave it all there now.  Just one more thing, I don’t think I have any key words in my website now so I have better think of ways of incorporating them into my existing text.
Also I have read about keywords in the website name how much to set these up?  I think it is a lead page to be linked to my existing one? Thanks for all your hard work and help.  Thanks all seems to be working beautifully!!!  I have joined your Facebook group as I couldnt find a Like button.
[Website Design Company] Glad that you are thinking of your website and to improve it. if you are referring to this site you showed me the other day then that is a full ecommerce site which will allow you to manage your stock and have full control of your website / stock / prices etc etc. Your website can be upgraded to do this but there is obviously a time / cost involved. This website is more than just having buy it now buttons it allows you to create shopping carts and have multiple purchases.
As you want to keep your costs low to start with and are unsure of your ecommerce sales I would recommend NOT getting a payment gateway where you have monthly costs but initially sticking with paypal business account which has no monthly costs and just incurs a commission on every transaction only. If you want to go down this route you have options including
1, Add a section with paypal add to cart buttons
2, Upgrade complete site to an ecommerce site to give you total control of stock / membership to site etc*
*you can have paypal or another payment provider with option 2
You can send out invoices with paypal and you have a selection of plan options as your sales grow including virtual terminal that for £20 per month will allow you to take payments over the phone.
The normal way forward is to give us the updates and images and we complete the work on an hourly basis. You can provide instructions how you like but to save us time you can give clear / concise instructions.
We charge a very reasonable hourly website support rate and you will find us very quick, simple text changes (testimonials) may take 10 mins and new pages (depending on complexity / instructions) about 1 hour, Gallery updates vary depending on exact instructions / amount of images.
It seems now you are asking questions about SEO (increasing your ranking and visitors) through changes on-site and off-site, needless to say this is a long and involved subject but be assured your site is created in a SEO friendly manner but we can perform a SEO project against the site to improve it / polish it to increase visitor numbers and website rankings which together should increase phone calls and emails to you which should increase your work and profit.
Having a satellite site (or key site as you put it) is a SEO technique but this is probably an area to leave to us, if you do a SEO project with you I make loads of suggestions and give you a list of things you can do to help your own site. Have a look at the links below for more details about SEO.
As mentioned before I recommend this so why not get yourself on as many online directories and  guides as previously mentioned (some are free for 6-12 months and great to have another link to your site from a ‘relevant’ site) This is good for your sites promotion (SEO)
Please take a look at the SEO information given previously, think your site could be polished / improve a lot to increase your website visitors / ranking, that would benefit you in terms of more bookings.
Looks like you have been busy, which is great news. Confirm that you have now sent 9 galleries via dropbox with 12 images in each which we shall rename / resize / and  optimise for your website ready to add to the galleries. Will add five links on a master gallery page we will then create ‘wedding galleries 2’ which shall contain links to the other 4 (similar to the way you have multiple galleries). So in general we will create 9 new galleries each with 12 images / update one master gallery and create one new master gallery (wedding gallery2)
Just for future reference to make it easier / quicker for us and cheaper for you:
1, all images names ideally should have no spaces in them and should all be in lower case
2, all folder names ideally should have no spaces in them and should all be in lower case
3, the best orientation of photo for your gallery is landscape (portrait ones dont size down well for your thumbnail images but its obviously possible )
4, each photo in a gallery should have the same initial name (wedding-services-01.jpg would be acceptable)
We can (and have done all the tasks above already) but thought you would like to know the above as we saw you did have rename your images. Will put this job in our work queue and update you when its complete
This is what I have done to your laptop that you left with us.
1, Updated windows (including the windows 7 Service Pack 1 and Office Service pack 3)
2, Checked startup items
3, Checked Msconfig for startup and services (removed some redundant / un-needed programs)
4, Deleted ATF ? checker that was on the desktop (not an installed program)
5, Installed AVAST virus checker
6, Updated your Internet Explorer browser (IE9)
7, Run CCleaner and cleaned system and applications
8, Run registry cleaner and fixed all issued found (477 issues fixed)
9, Automatic Windows Updates are verified as being on and will be checked every day (accept all these when requests pop up)
10, All outstanding Windows Updates completed (20 updates required (over 600MB+ requiring it to be done in 5 sessions requiring  5 Restarts)
11, Windows Action section – archived 3 old problems
12, Updated Java
13, Updated Acrobat Reader
14, Performed a boot time virus scan (found dropper-gen drp virus blinkxss.exe )
[Website Owner] Thank you so much for sorting out my PC the other day – you saved the day!!!!  On my icons to do have blinkblx icon somewhere on my PC, this was what came up as virus through the check.  Should I uninstall this??  This is something they could have put on there?  On a brighter note, my website has been given a Bronze Award from Mumpreneur UK, perhaps this can go on my website somewhere?
My sincere apologies for sending this payment to you!  I have just sent the payment over by the internet and should see this either today or tomorrow. I do not receive any charts of where the traffic is coming from my Website, can you send me the link the set this up. Also, within the next 6 months I’m looking to update my website – the wording and photos just does not represent where the company is these days and tend to ‘blog’ on Facebook which attracts so many new clients for me and it’s free for me to do!
Anyways,  I’m in the process of having my logo updated and would like a new look and a blog to boot.  Does this mean a whole new website ? I wanna go on a course to update all the technical things I should know.  How much would this be or is there an alternative.  I hear more and more business owners are setting up their own Website using WordPress (I guess not good for you) but I need something now that I can update myself to get it to how I want all of the time and not on a yearly basis – unless you can advise me otherwise. I hope your business to going from strength to strength and I just can’t believe how successful I have now become!  Your help is always appreciated.
[Website Designers] Payment received with thanks and happy to hear how busy you are. Since we built your website it has attracted over 29800 visits which is pretty good for a ‘static’ business brochure website. Have re-scheduled your report and send a one off to you today
Redesign / Changes of your site is fine and look forward to your requests and ideas but a customised news section / blog is a recommended update for you and we can do that as part of your redesign – depending on how you want your website to look will determine how much work / effort is required but regardless of that the blog (news pages) will be designed to look / work exactly. Your news section / blog will be created in WordPress.
When business owners create their own websites (not many do this as far as I know) they seem to eventually try this themselves then realise that its too complex for them to continue and realise that website design and promotion is a complicated thing so hand the responsibility back to a website design company.
Any new redesigned site we create with a news section (blog) will allow you to update the blog and / or the rest of the site as often as you want and we encourage you to update your blog regularly as know this positively affects your website visitors / ranking.

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