Think they are Delicious, sexy and cool but most of all they like them because they earn them money which is the real purpose of a website after all (for most websites).
A very popular ‘delicious’ website deal currently is our small CMS site (one you can update yourself) We are able to offer you development of a customised WordPress powered website into which you will add your own content. We will design a theme for your website that is perfectly suited to your business. This them will include customised graphics throughout including but not limited to: custom header image, sidebar graphics / banners / adverts / call to action graphics, background images for each element of the site, customised typography with appropriate fonts and colours being selcted
The price for the design and development of a 4 page website will be approximately £625. This price covers: Setup of your site on WordPress. Serverside configuration, cross browser testing, usability standards compliance and initial search engine optimisation and submission.

Your site will be fully editable by yourselves via a web based control panel.
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