Even after we build your website and its launched in the search engines we still give it periodic reviews and here is an example list of updates / recommendations we gave one website after a brief review the other day, this is to give you an indication of the level of service you will expect to receive when you get your website with Delicious Webdesign.
Website updates / improvements after a 3 month review of your website:
1 Blog  – Your images have been tidyed up on the post that was not correct due to images not aligned correctly
2 Blog – All uploaded images were massive (5MB and 4000px wide) this is not good and when clicked will confuse the user, you must resize images before uploading (recommended size is 800px wide)
3 Blog  -All uploaded images on the blog have been resized and re-uploaded for you
4 Google Local Recently we applied to Google for your local listing and have supplied all the details of your company and to authenticate this they will send you a postcard with a code within it – as soon as this arrives please send me (via email or text) the code and your listing will be put live. If it takes more than 2 weeks then tell us and we will get them to re-send it
5 Sitemap – Due to the new pages created we have updated your sitemap and submitted it to Google
6 Google- have requested that google ‘re-crawl’ your website to pick up the new pages.
7 Blog – You must put every post in a relevant category.
8 Blog – When creating categories be careful not to create sub-categories when not required (company news was a subcategory of party food ?) – We have changed your posts to be in relevant categories.
9 Links – have asked Google to disavow some of the older links that look like they were created by your old dodgy SEO company as they are on not appropriate websites.
10 Google Adwords – Google Adwords – Recommend we have an advert per service and to re-evaluate the keywords / phrases used for your existing ‘main’ services already within adwords – Therefore we need 12 ‘Ad Groups’ and should use all the functionality of the Adwords system to ensure you get the best / most relevent adverts – Expect this should take 4-5 hours.

Google Rating
Based on 82 reviews