This is the message that you will receive from us when we have completed our draft design to your requirements, once you have this message you can review your website design and agree for it to go live or to suggest changes that we will complete for you before putting it live.
Please check the following link to see your website proof design we are happy to now let you see your website first draft design as agreed between us. This is a proof and can only be viewed by you and us (not indexed by the search engines) until you are happy to go live. Please be aware that some of the links may not work until the site is live.
This is a responsive or mobile friendly website, which means that it will look dramatically different on touch enabled devices like smartphones and tablets to your Mac or PC, so we recommend viewing it on different devices.
We would like to get your site live as soon as possible and most of our clients are happy to go live with their first proof, especially if they are busy. This allows us to submit it to the major search engines, which speeds up the process of getting it ranked. You have free changes for the year, so we can always do them when you have more time.
I am your point of contact for any changes that you may want before your site goes live and I can be contacted by replying to this ticket, or if you have any questions you can speak to me between 9am – 6pm Monday – Saturday.
I hope you like your proof and I look forward to hearing from you.
Further to our conversation in the office, I have updated your support task and passed the following changes to the design team. They will notify you when these have been actioned. This normally takes 2 – 3 working days, but may be a little longer during busier periods.
Please check that I have the information down correctly and let me know if I haven’t as soon as possible.
Should you have anything else you would like to add, please reply to this email / support ticket rather than starting a new one. Please note that this ticket is now with the website designers and is therefore unlikely to be viewed until they start work on your changes, so anything urgent please call me.
Design Updates
The key part of their business should appear at the top of any content or images throughout the site
Front page – Image Carousel / Slider – Client will come in with his own images to replace some of these previously given, when he gives us his seasonal offer we need to produce one or 2 sliders with just his promotion on them
Check all phone numbers match the header info
We will sort out the images when you provide them
Please call to make an appointment before coming in next week.
The changes that you have requested are now complete, please note that you may need to refresh your page to view the latest version of your site, on a PC use [CTRL+F5] If you have any additional changes, please respond to this email.

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