When starting out on a new venture every penny counts, but have you ever thought how much you are costing your business by not being online? Or worse being online with a website that doesn’t do justice to your business?

Think about this, your website, like it or not is major marketing tool for your business. How many times have you wanted a product or service and “Googled” it to find someone who can help you?
How many times have you landed on a website and found it difficult to use, poorly structured or out of date? Out of those times, how many have you chosen to go elsewhere?
Ask yourself this, what is your average profit per customer? How many additional customers do you think you can attract by getting your website right? Now for every additional customer that you think you will attract, deduct that profit from the cost of your website. By making the right choices about your website, your website will pay for itself – effectively it is free!
Your website is important. Its content being up to date is important. Choosing the right website provider is important.
Have a look at our packages, then  contact us and start making the right choices about your website.

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