Quite often we get requests from new businesses for ‘cheap’ or ‘budget’ websites as they have just recently decided to start a new business as a sole trader or even a new Limited Company (Ltd). We often try to explain to new companies that their website shouldn’t be an afterthought or a ‘last-minute idea’ but a key part of their business strategy.
The reason for putting the website high up on the list of new business priorities is that if its designed correctly it could very quickly become a sales channel and if the website doesnt haven the full amount of work put into it then it will invariably not rank highly in its business sector.
Here is a list of our ‘budget’ or starter websites that have been created for new businesses that have decided to start off with a minimal internet presence with a view to improving the website once the business gets established:
If you have a new Essex company and want to discuss how to get a quality cheap website up and on the Internet quickly then come talk to us.
Quite often new businesses need flyers from us also, here is the information we recently sent a new Essex Website Design client who also got their flyers from us.
Please find attached design proofs of the front and back of your A6 flyers. Please let me know your thoughts on the layout of the flyers. Our Graphic designer has tried to keep a strong continuity between these and your website. Also please review the content on the flyers, we can make changes where you see fit — I have put in some extra text for your services, let me know if you would like to change this at all (or if there is anything we have missed).
Having thought about the fact that you can’t update these flyers regularly I thought it may be best to leave off your pricing structure so to keep the flyers up to date for longer and also leaving the fact you will quote on referral for certain aspects of your work anyway we can give a much simpler message by simply offering “pricing starting from x”. How does this feel to you?
Let me know all your thoughts and we can look towards getting these ready for printing!

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